Chapter 13

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Isabella's determination to save Edward from the Volturi drives her actions, overriding any hesitation or fear. With Bella and Alice in tow, she speeds towards the airport, fueled by her love and loyalty to her family.

Arriving at the airport, Isabella took a deep breath. When she boarded the plain, she felt her stomach turn as she closed her eyes. Though she couldn't sleep. She decided to watch a movie instead. As she wrung her hands, she looked away from the screen. The flight took forever, and as they arrived in Italy, Isabella ran with Alice to seal a car.

Isabella's anxiety and urgency are palpable as she rushes through the airport with Alice, desperate to reach Edward before it's too late. With every passing moment, her determination to save him grows stronger.

Isabella pulled at her hair as they pulled into the city and with little city of Volterra. Alice telling the two to get to Edward before something bad happened. Knowing she couldn't show herself, Isabella ran by Bella's side. Her heart racing as she watched the clock tower. Isabella's heart pounds with each step as she and Bella rush through the streets of Volterra, the urgency of their mission weighing heavily on her. She knows they must find Edward before it's too late, her anxiety growing with every passing moment.

As the two reached Edward, Bella in his arms. Isabella gave him a displeasing look. As they backed into the entrance, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Demetri and Felix stood behind the three, Alice making four as she made her entrance know.

"Your father wishes to see the four of you, Princess," Felix spoke, his grasp growing stronger.

Alice spoke up for Isabella. "That won't be necessary. He hasn't done anything wrong," she said, crossing her arms. Isabella's tension tightens as Demetri and Felix approach, their presence adding to the already fraught situation. Alice's intervention provides a momentary reprieve, but Isabella knows they must proceed cautiously.

"We should relocate for a more suitable discussion," Felix suggested, his tone firm.

Edward turned to Bella and Isabella, proposing, "Why don't you two stay and enjoy the festival?"

Feeling the bruise on her bone, Isabella withdrew slightly, silently agreeing with Bella.

Felix's glare intensified as he addressed the girls, "You both come with us."

Before Edward could object, Alice intervened, placing her hands gently on their shoulders and chiming in, "Let's not stir up trouble. It's just a festival. We wouldn't want to cause a scene."

Isabella couldn't help but feel a pang of unease when Jane's voice pierced the air. Memories of their brief romance flooded back, memories tainted by Aro's disapproval.

"Enough," Jane's harsh tone cut through the tension, silencing any further questions about Isabella's past.As Bella inquired about her, Isabella wished she could explain, but a sharp glare silenced her. She shifted uncomfortably, her hand unconsciously finding the Cullen family crest around her neck, a token of her bond with them.

Following Jane's lead, Isabella, Edward, Bella, and Alice were guided through narrow, dimly lit alleys, with Felix and Demetri bringing up the rear. Edward never let go of Bella's hand, and Alice reached out to grasp Isabella's hand in a comforting gesture. Despite the reassurance of their touch, Isabella couldn't shake the feeling of being a child once more, locked away and powerless.

Their path led to a dead end at a brick wall, but Jane effortlessly dropped down into an open hole in the street—a drain. Isabella and Alice followed suit, memories flooding Isabella's mind of her childhood spent listening to secrets from the very place they were now entering. She hadn't anticipated returning so soon, and although she had lost much of her own scent, replaced by traces of Embry's, she knew her father would find fault, even with her mate's influence.

As Alice let go of her hand, Isabella was jolted from her thoughts. Edward followed closely behind Bella, with Felix and Demetri trailing behind. The group found themselves in an elevator, Isabella taking a deep breath as they ascended to the floor above. Alice glanced at her, offering silent support, and Isabella returned the nod, bracing herself for what lay ahead.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a corridor reminiscent of a castle, with a woman seated behind a desk. Their eyes met, and the woman bowed respectfully to Isabella, her stern expression softening into a kind smile.

"Principessa," she greeted before returning to her duties. Bella glanced at her friend, but Isabella kept her head down as they were led to a throne room.

Jane held her hand up, signaling the others to wait, as the doors to the throne room swung open. Aro, Marcus, and Caius were seated on a raised platform, with Caius moving to stand behind Aro as he approached.

"What a delightful surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?" Aro's voice carried across the room as he walked toward Isabella, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. He delved into her memories, particularly those of her time with the wolf pack and, most notably, Embry. His smile faltered, and he withdrew his hand.

Stepping back, Aro turned his attention to Edward and Bella. "Her blood seems to entice you so much, it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

Isabella's stomach sank as she sensed impending danger. Alice squeezed her hand reassuringly, but Isabella couldn't shake the fear that gripped her. She watched in horror as Aro's desire to claim Bella intensified, resulting in a deadly confrontation with Edward. Both Isabella and Bella screamed for the guard to stop, their pleas echoing through the room as they witnessed the unfolding tragedy.

As the conversation shifted, Caius approached Isabella, his hand resting on her cheek with a mixture of disdain and anger evident on his face."You smell like a wet dog," he growled, his grip tightening. "Have you not caused enough suffering, even after witnessing your aunt's demise? Or do you simply not care?"

Isabella began to plead with her uncle, but her words fell on deaf ears as Caius continued to berate her.

"After Didyme's death, you were instructed to stay away from those beasts. Yet here you are," he said, his grip growing even tighter as he hurled her against the wall.

Bella, unable to bear watching her friend suffer, pulled away from Edward, who was seething with anger but managed to maintain his composure as he lifted Isabella off the ground. Bella reached out to them both, her concern palpable.After Aro released Alice's hand, Edward held Isabella protectively as they left the throne room, with Demetri guiding them out. Isabella trembled like a leaf as they made their way back, their path intersecting with some tourists. Isabella instinctively hid her face, feeling like a child about to face punishment.

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