Chapter Six

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The sun has been out today, as Isabella sat between Jacob and Bella. She felt like the weight of her presence between the two as a silencer. As Bella drove along the La Push cliffs. He studies a grease-blackened motorcycle crankshaft.

"We got lucky at the dump. You know how much a new crankshaft goes for?" Jacob asked, as he looked over at Bella. Isabella sighed.

"Depending on what country you're in," Isabella grumbled as she looked at the empty hole where Bella's radio had been.

Isabella's comment injected a hint of sarcasm into the conversation, highlighting the stark contrast between their current situation and the mundane topic of motorcycle parts. Despite the tension between them, they all seemed to be making an effort to maintain some semblance of normalcy, even if it felt strained.

Bella could feel the annoyance in Isabella. The half vampire didn't want to be there, had it not been Bella whom asked her to go with them she would have stayed in bed this morning.

"Sure, I spend all my free time on crankshaft-dot-com," Bella comment. The two bantered on for a while, until Bella stopped her car. Four of the pack stood on the rocky ledge of the cliff. They wear nothing but cut-off shorts. They push each other, rough-housing.

Looking over, Isabella smiled as she saw her mate. But she had a feeling Bella was not going to stand for what they were doing. Isabella's smile faltered as she observed the playful interaction among the pack members. Despite her own reservations, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and familiarity with them. However, she sensed Bella's disapproval simmering beneath the surface, anticipating a confrontation about the pack's behavior.

"Isn't that Sam Uley?" Bella asked. Jacob frowned as he noticed them.

"Yeah and his Cult," he grumbled. Isabella shot him a glare, but said nothing. As if she had been swore to protect the pack's secrets. Bella watches as a struggling Jarad is thrown off the cliff. Bella jumped out of her truck, followed by Isabella and Jacob.

"Oh my god! Sto-" Bella was interrupted by Isabella. She gave a wolf call and a wave to Embry. "Izzy! What are you doing?!"

Isabella's sudden wolf call caught Bella off guard, but she didn't have time to protest before Isabella had already initiated contact with Embry. Bella's concern grew as she struggled to comprehend Isabella's actions and their implications for the fragile balance of secrecy surrounding the pack.

"Bella they are cliff diving! Chill out, Embry takes me all the time," Isabella spoke, placing a gentle hand on her back.

"Like on purpose?" She asked, a frown on her face.

"Scary as hell, but a total rush. Most of us normal humans jump from lower down," Jacob smirked as he glanced over at Isabella as he spoke. Isabella almost growled, but held it back.

"Think I could?" Bella asked, glancing between the two. Isabella raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not even supposed to let you on a motorcycle... now you want to cliff dive?" She asked. Isabella's concern for Bella's safety was evident in her words, but Bella seemed determined to push her limits. Isabella glanced at Jacob, silently communicating her worry.

Jacob laughed. "Maybe on a warmer day. And not from the top. We'll leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples," Jacob added. Isabella grew increasingly angry at the comments, but had to bite her tongue.

"You don't like them?" Bella asked Jacob. Isabella looked more than ready to rip Jacob's head off.

"They think they run this place.   Acting all bad ass, calling themselves 'protectors,'" Jacob spoke, with a smirk.

"What are they protecting?" Bella asked. Isabella had her fingers in fist, as she glared at Jacob. Her nails dug into her palms.

"The tribe, the land, their right to be jerks. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids; now look at him," Jacob spoke.

"It's a lot more than you think," Isabella spoke through gritted teeth. Her eyes darker than what they had been before. Isabella's frustration with Jacob's dismissive attitude towards the pack was palpable, and she struggled to keep her anger in check. She knew there was more to the pack's responsibilities than Jacob let on. As they get back into the truck, Isabella's eyes meet Sam's. She could hear a faint 'thank you'. As she nodded at him, she could feel her hands gripping the seat as she sat in the middle. Once Jacob was out, Bella looked at Izzy.

Bella's gaze met Isabella's, concern evident in her eyes. "You seem tense. Everything okay?" she asked, noticing Isabella's tight grip on the seat.

"I'm fine... just didn't like the way he was talking about the... er Sam and his friends..." she whispered, as she relaxed and moved over to give Bella more room.

Bella nodded understandingly, reaching over to pat Isabella's hand reassuringly. "Yeah, Jacob can be pretty opinionated sometimes. But it's okay, we'll just ignore him," she said with a small smile. Isabella returned the smile, grateful for Bella's understanding.

As they drove on, Isabella couldn't shake off the unease that settled in her stomach. She knew that the dynamic between Bella and Jacob was complicated, and she worried about how it might affect Bella in the long run. However, she also knew that she had to support Bella's choices, even if they conflicted with her own feelings about Jacob and the pack. So, for now, she remained silent, hoping that Bella would come to her if she ever needed advice or guidance.

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