Bite 354: The Council Meeting

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When a meeting between the vampire council members would be called, all of the thirteen leaders from thier castles would have to go and travel to the main castle. The main castle was where the current vampire king or queen resided.

Inside, near the top floor, but not quite at the very top was the meeting room. Once a month, the leaders would meet up to discuss current matters or affairs.

Outside of the regular meetings, an emergency meeting could be called as well. Only if there was something that needed to be reported to everyone would they meet up. On this very day, a meeting had been called.

This was the second emergency meeting that had been called within such a short time frame, and the tensions were high.

Inside the room, there were thirteen chairs equal in size spread across the table. Behind each seat a flame which burnt bright and strong.

Currently, all if the chairs were filled with thier leaders and one of their vampire knights by thier side. All of them apart from one. The tenth seat.

Most of the room was dominated by men most looked old while a couple looked young, but it was impossible to tell the real age of any. Two of the seats were filled with female leaders as well.

Besides these thirteen chairs at either end of the table, thier were two larger chairs. One Chair slightly bigger than the other, at this moment both of these chairs were empty as well.

Sitting at the first Chair near the top of the table was the first leader, an older gentlemen than the rest. Vampires at the Lord level often had great control over thier bodies. They could choose when to slow down thier ageing process. Most at the table had chosen to keep thier appearance of that of slightly older middle-aged men. Yet for some reason, the first leader preferred an aged look.

He was bald up top, but his facial hair was heavy around his face going down to his colour bone, all white in clour. Other than this, his forehead that seemed to always be in a prominent V shape were his most distinctive features. On top of this, the old man would never seem to leave without his trendy black slim walking stick by his side.

However, he never used the walking stick to walk, but kept it by his side as if his life depended on it. When the king wasn't present, it was his duty to be in charge. He still only had equal power as the rest of the thirteen, but in order for things to proceed more smoothly, the first leader was placed with this position.

The others didn't mind this, as the first leader was the oldest and seemed to be the most knowledgeable out of the rest. N0vel_Biin hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Once everyone was seated, he banged his walking stick three times across the floor to signal the meeting would begin, and the room fell silent.

"I Bryce Cain, leader of the first seat, will now begin this meeting. This meeting has been called by the 13th seat leader of the Sanguinis family Lee." The old man said. "I hope you all know that the king is still resting and will not be attending this meeting. Unless a matter can not be agreed upon, there will be no need to call him. Now please, Lee, explain to us why this meeting was called?"

"Rather then explain this matter, I would like to bring them In, If I may," Lee asked, to which Bryce responded with a nod.

The doors to the room opened, and in came, Silver, Fex and Peter who was now officially in a black set of handcuffs. They seemed to be made form the same material as the buildings.

While they walked into the room, Lee tried to look at the other leaders to see if there was a reaction from one of them.

'Hm, they all have pretty good poker faces, maybe they don't know what he has committed.'

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