Bite 363: Eyes Everywhere

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On planet Latrina at the beautiful cliffside that overlooked the blue river and shelter, a portal had opened up near the base of the cliff. Out from the portal came Erin first, and next after her was James. The two of them were wearing what everyday Travelers would wear. Which tended to be a mismatch of beast equipment.

It would give people no reason to suspect them for carrying weapons and at the same time, not make them associated with any group. Erin had been given a basic tier beast armour to cover her whole body. Most of it was in some beige type colour, and one could tell from a look it wasn't cut or crafted well. As if she had been given leftovers off someone's dead body.

The more she started to think about it, the more it made her worry that it might have actually been leftovers from one of their dead agents. She couldn't help but stare at an oddly faint red marking that wouldn't go away no matter how much she rubbed at it.

However, if she was to kill or defeat beasts while out on the field, she could use that to improve her own equipment. Or each time she ranked up to a different number, she would also be given a hefty bonus in credits.

As soon as the two stepped out of the portal, Erin started to look at the top of the clifftop. It was where they had last left, and where James had thrown her watch.

"Do you mind if I go up there and check the view?" Erin asked. "It's been a long time since I've been out of that base."

"Sure," James said. "I'll go with you."

She was hoping James wouldn't have replied like that, but at least she was able to go to the clifftop. As she moved, she noticed James stayed a few feet behind her and it never seemed to change, she slowed down her pace going up, and he slowed down his, if she sped up hers, he sped up his as well.

Due to her training at the base, it was clearly apparent he was tracking her. The two of them had finally reached the top, and with him around it would be hard to look clearly through the grass to see if she could find the watch, but she slowed down her stride and did just that.

Her field of vision, and her ability to spot things had gotten better, she hated to say it, but it was because of Pure. This was all part of their training, but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't see it at all.

'I guess there was a chance it was taken away by one of those flying beasts in the end. Just my luck.'

As she looked over the cliff top and looked out at the beautiful view, she let out a big sigh. "James, are you always going to be following me this closely?" She asked.

"I thought you would notice, and yes." He replied. "Do you not remember, it will be like this for a month. I need to bring you up to speed, and a lot of our agents try escaping in the first month and let me tell you something. Not one has succeeded."

It seemed like there was no reason for James to say those last words, but he had probably already figured out why Erin had chosen to come up here and was trying to give her a warning.

James felt like Erin could go far in the organisation if she just could cut her ties with the rest of the world, and see the future ahead like the rest of them. But the one driving factor in Erin's mind that made her disagree with everything Pure had shown her, was that she wanted to get stronger.

And to be the strongest one could be, they needed abilities on top of everything else. In Pure's mind, there would be a world with no conflict, so there is no need for power, but Erin could never imagine that happening, even if powers were taken away. So she wanted to be the strongest she could be to protect everyone. The problem she felt with the world right now, was the ones with the strongest powers did nothing, and there wasn't one person who was supreme over all the others.

Blood Scriptures Arc 2 Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon