Bite 364: I Smell Blood

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Although the Travellers and Shelter Officials didn't know who they worked for, they knew who to report to. And that was a young man who went by the name of Taz. He had been there since the shelter had started and was in charge of distributing the funds and assigning roles to everyone.

Of course, as time went on, Taz was left with fewer things to do as he delegated the roles and the shelter grew, but still, everyone in the shelter knew about Taz.

It even left the others who were there form the start to claim this was all his doing, even though he insisted he wasn't the one supporting them at all. They still had a sneaky suspicion it might have been him, so they treated him like some mayor of the shelter.

Because of this, it was easier for Taz to request specific items and to get what he wanted. All information would eventually pass through his ears.

A special request had been made, to inform him of all new people entering and leaving the shelter and he had been told immediately. After passing on the information to Leo, he wanted to start his search for the two. As he saw Leo leave again through the two big red doors, he began to remember how great that man was.

'You do so much for everyone, and nobody knows it's even you. You still haven't changed since the day you saved my life on the battlefield. I will always be loyal to you.' Taz had extreme loyalty because when he was just a young soldier, his life was once saved by Leo. If it weren't for him, he probably would have never got to come back home alive.

He and Leo were both privates at the time, so when he heard he was going to become a sergeant, Taz thought it was well deserved and wanted to help make his life more comfortable at any cost.

As Leo began his walk outside, he didn't really know where to go, only that they would be in the shelter. Although he could remember Erin's aura quite well since she used to be in his beast class and was one of the best students compared to the others. Surprisingly though, it didn't take as long as Leo thought it would too find them.

A little away from the Dojo, just down one of the streets to the central Plaza of the shelter, He could see two people walking his way, and one of them was Erin. The two continued to walk, but Leo made sure not to say anything. The instant she had seen him, he could hear her heart beating rapidly.

On top of her not saying anything, and doing her best to carry on, it all felt a little weird.

'Something's wrong, and I have a feeling it's to do with the person behind her.' Leo thought.

The two of them didn't do anything and Erin, who carried on walking as if she didn't know who Leo was.

'What's he doing here?' She thought., 'Shouldn't he still be at the military base, has the school come here on an expedition, but the timelines don't add up. It doesn't make any sense.'

She started to think of why Leo could possibly be here, but she had no clue. However, she did know he knew the others quite well, well enough to keep their secret since he also helped her escape from the military base in the first place.

If he was able to help her back then, maybe there was a chance he could help him now.

James was still following her but from a distance away as he usually did, while Leo was doing well to keep up his act of slowly walking completely blind.

One look of his eyes and people could usuelly tell he wasn't faking.

As the two of them passed each other, Erin whispered as quietly as she could.

"I need your help; the man behind me is with Pure. They have agents on every corner." She quickly said, even though the time they passed each other was short, she continued to whisper. Knowing that Leo hearing was better than others, she hoped he could still hear her, "I don't know where to go, I can't go to the military base, but if you can get me somewhere safe, I can stay in hiding until everything settles down. Please, if you can, help me."

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