GB in Garten of Banban (full part)

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(This is where GB has to find someone to take care of Turmoil while he helps the parent look for the child at the abandoned BanBan's kindergarten. Enjoy!)

*GB went up to Super Horror Mario to hand over Turmoil*

Super Horror Mario: Uh... GB, why-a are you asking me to babysit-a Turmoil?

GB: ...

Super Horror Mario: You're-a going to an abandoned kindergarten just-a because some parent lost their child in-a there?

GB: ... *nods yes*

Super Horror Mario: ...Fine. You-a owe me.

*GB and Turmoil then fist bumped and leaves*

Super Horror Mario: ...I know-a you're blind, but how'd you know-a that GB was gonna give you a fist bump-a?

Turmoil: I may be blind, but I always know where GB is. He may be silent, but silence speaks a thousand words.

Super Horror Mario: I knew-a I should've said no.

Turmoil: Wanna be my next victim to be eaten?

Super Horror Mario: No.

Turmoil: Good! Now, I'm hungry. Do you have any bones?

Super Horror Mario: Mama-Mia....

*With GB, he arrived at BanBan's Kindergarten*

GB: ... *looks around to figure out the layout until he found a keycard* ..? *was confused on where the keycard goes until he found a door* ... *tries to open it, but realized the keycard scanner* ... *uses the keycard and the door opens* ... *facepalms* ..? *saw a drone and a remote* ... *saw a drawing that's written: "Dear mommy, I am hiding in a room but i have to Fight the monster It is the only chance to make Claire like me :(" and it shows a picture of a stick figure with a weapon, a bird monster, and the head of a stick figure with heart shaped eyes* ..?! *He was extremely concerned for the child's hand writing* ... *tries to activate the drone, but there were no batteries* ... *looks around for batteries and found them in the cafeteria area and flies the drone to the open room* ... *looks at the buttons by the doors* ... *flies the drone to the 2 buttons and the door opens* ... *saw the bird like in the drawing just staring in the hallway* ... *he walks forward, but the bird then goes into the darkness* ..? *noticed the keycard scanner and scans the keycard and it turns the lights on* ... *goes to the classroom behind him and saw the button, but it wasn't powered on, so he goes to the playground and took a closer look at the bird* ... *looks at the sign until he read "Opila Bird", he looks at the name and the bird* ... *just shrugs and found one egg and fed it to Opila Bird* ... *pats Opila's head and walks off to find the other eggs* ... *searches everywhere for the eggs and fed them to Opila and she spit out a keycard* ......... *then grabs the keycard and cleans it for the keycard scanner that was in the "Naughty Corner" to power on the button and flies the drone to press the button* ... *looks over and the closet door opens* ..? *took the hammer and saw the note: "Distraction At 1"* ... *just shrugs and crumbles it into a paper ball* ... *goes back to the playground and saw "Ball pit closed" and he went ahead and broke the boards off and went inside and finds a bottomless pit* ... *gets out the paper ball and drops it and waits for it to hit the bottom, but couldn't hear it since paper has a more silent tap whenever it hit the ground* ... *looks at the boards and throws both of them to the bottomless pit and hears for the drop* ... *crash* ... *he's worried about falling down into the bottomless pit*  looks behind him and uses the keycard for the scanner and saw a chair lift coming down from the ceiling* ... *gets in the seat and taps the scanner and the chair lift starts to move* ..! *makes sure he doesn't look down* ... *and he looked down that dumb motherfu-*

*technical difficulties*

GB: ... *he made it to the other side, but was still shaking from the height* ... *he saw the characters like at the entrance and he looks behind him and grabbed a piece of paper that reads: "I-alone I want to play with the hole bird but everyone left me Everyone have party without meeeeeeee Miss Mason see me but go I am scared becauz hole is loud and my friends scream in it but bird is funny"* ..? *looks at the characters and the paper* ... ..! *he went up to the button and presses it and it changes color* ..! *keeps pressing it until it changed to White* ... *after a while to get each character's color right, the closet door opened* ... *he grabbed the keycard, but saw Opila on the chairlift moving towards GB* ... *calls the drone just in case* ... *gets on a little ramp and waits for the button to power up* ... *saw Opila get off and nearly got close to GB* ...  *saw the button turn red and the drone hits the button, making a little pathway for GB* ... *does the "Take the L" dance and runs on the platform with Opila Bird after him* ..! *jumps up and presses the Emergency stop and Opila hit the side of the floor and fell into the abyss* ... *then walks away and into the hallway with the keycard, scans the keycard and goes inside an office* ..? *saw a ticket for a trip to Madrid and saw the name: Adam Uthman* ..? *puts the ticket in his pocket in case he runs into him (spoiler alert: Adam Uthman was already dead when BanBan killed him)* ... *looks underneath the table and saw a keycard scanner and pressed it and it powers the button* ... *calls the drone and hits the button and saw another keycard scanner* ... ... ... *pressed the keycard scanner and it made the floor go down* ... *looks over the edge and saw something coming up* ..! *it was an elevator* ... *the gate opens and walks onto the elevator and presses the keycard scanner, the gates then close and the elevator then goes down* ... *it was until it stopped and heard a sound* ..? *until the alarm goes off* !!! *suddenly saw a giant green fist* !!! !!! *saw the Giant Green creature, which he remembers the green gorilla was named Jumbo Josh* !!! *felt the elevator suddenly tipped forward, he and Jumbo Josh looked scared until the elevator then suddenly dropped into the abyss* !!! *until they both hit what felt like ground* ... *GB fell unconscious*

*To be continued...*

GB in Garten of BanbanWhere stories live. Discover now