GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 6 (part 4)

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(You know what I'm going to say. Enjoy!)

*GB and BitterGiggle are going back to base, but BitterGiggle spoke up*

BitterGiggle: Hang on, we need to talk. We've been making great progress so far, and it's really getting my spirits up. I'm in the mood to tell a joke. Ready? What do you call a toad that's upset? Unhoppy! *he giggles while GB facepalms*

*suddenly, they heard creepy laughter that kinda freaked GB out, but BitterGiggle was in the state of shock*

BitterGiggle: Did you hear that? They... Laughed... Last time I told a joke all I heard was yelling... *then runs back to base*

GB: ..! *follows BitterGiggle and suddenly saw BanBan* ...

BitterGiggle: All we need is one more switch and we're good to grab the scepter. I guess you could say our day won't be scep-terrible for much longer! *he giggles and GB facepalms* Anything happen while we were away?

BanBan: Nothing. It's strange...

BitterGiggle: I agree. Sir Dadadoo is up to no good.

BanBan: NabNab showed up, although I'm not sure if anyone would be happy to hear this. He tried some of his usual shenanigans, so I put him in a cage. Also, your big cat friend just walked in here like it knew the place. I didn't dare get close to it.

BitterGiggle: Really? I need to go see her. She's one of the few that appreciate my jokes.

BanBan: Stinger Flynn wanted a word. It feels weird being on the same side again after all that has happened.

*BitterGiggle went to go see Kittysaurus and GB saw NabNab in a cage*

GB: ... *looks at Stinger Flynn* ... *goes up to him waiting for him to speak up*

Stinger Flynn: I wanted to let you know that this is all happening because of you. Never convince yourself otherwise. If you hadn't intervened with my plan or the queen's, you'd be home on your warm bed. I would be free of my shackles, and everyone you hurt would not have been hurt. And ask yourself this. If I wasn't hooked up to pipes that drained me of my Givanium and shrunk my size. Could my original size have aided us in our predicament? Because of your foolish decisions, we are even less likely now to ever get back to the children. Regardless, there is another thing I want to show you. It sure looks like you need it.

*GB suddenly passed out again to dreamville, where they're at a bus stop in the rain and Opila is asleep as usual and he saw the same face in the distance about 4 times*

BanBan: Morning, sleepy fellow. You should've kept sleeping, we're still waiting for the bus. Man, I'm so tired.

Stinger Flynn: Quit whining, you're not the only one. Maybe sleep for a bit like Opila.

BanBan: A bit? She's been sleeping for days!

Stinger Flynn: The bus is here.

BanBan: Finally!

*A bus pulled up and opened the doors, but Stinger Flynn then had to speak up*

Stinger Flynn: Ignore that, it's not the correct one.

BanBan: Oh man! Why are we even doing all of this? I don't want to go to the beach anymore, I just wanna go back.

Stinger Flynn: We cannot. We must get to the beach. I will be frank. I did not know it would be this difficult to reach our destination. If it weren't for your infuriating actions we would not be in this current predicament.

BanBan: Really, Stinger? My actions or your non-existent driving skills? I think Opila can drive better than you and she doesn't even have hands. (Damn, Uthman. Roast him!)

Stinger Flynn: You sure you wanna do this again?

BanBan: Do what again? No need to get aggressive. Actually, I think now would be the time that we just go home.

Stinger Flynn: Do you have an idea how to get back from here?

BanBan: Well no, but the captain and I could definitely figure it out. Right, Captain? *Captain Fiddles doesn't do anything* Captain?

Stinger Flynn: Another bus is here. And no one wants to conversate with a being who is less useful than the seat they're sitting on. *saw Captain Fiddles walking up to the bus* Get back here, this is the wrong bus too.

*they all saw Captain Fiddles suddenly get taking away*

BanBan: THE CAPTAIN GOT KIDNAPPED! What are we going to do?

Stinger Flynn: I'm thinking.

*until NabNab get up from his spot and goes on the road until a bus suddenly ran him over*


Stinger Flynn: We just lost two... This wasn't supposed to happen, we need to follow them.

BanBan: Wait, is that the correct bus?

*GB saw the bus until he realized he was going to get hit next, but it forcefully woke him up from the dream*

GB: ... *gets up and stumbling towards BitterGiggle* ...

BitterGiggle: We should have the last switch activated. I found two of these keycards laying around. BanBan... I mean Uthman took one and left one for you. He saw you taking a nap and decided to head there alone. You should be able to catch up with him. He gets really jest-erratic when I call him BanBan. Do you know why that is?

GB: ... *grabs the keycard then heads out to find the last Sector and when he arrives at the place, he presses the 2 keycard scanners to activate the lights, presses the keycard scanner and it opens the door* ..? *walks through and saw huge hedges and is very confused on what he has to do* ... *checks behind the hedges and found a keycard* ... *after a while of figuring out what to do and also do the puzzle, he finally solved it* ... *presses the keycard scanner and it opens the big door* ... *walks through the hallway to a room which looks like a hospital room* ..? *noticed two little creatures and sees them*

Givanium Infant 1: Hello, giant.

Givanium Infant 2: Stop! Father told us not to talk to strangers.

Givanium Infant 1: But we need help! Did you see our father around? He didn't come by today.

Givanium Infant 2: He has more arms than you. More than us as well, obviously... If you see him, please tell him we need him to come back!

GB: *was confused on the "father" they were talking about, until he saw something on the wall: "Syringeon Mission!" until he pointed to the name: "Syringeon" to the Infants and they nodded yes* ... *looks around and found 8 lollipops and puts them in the little cup, but found two extra lollipops and gave it to the Infants* ... *walks through the door and found yet another Case Update Report and holds onto it* ... *relaxes on the floor waiting for something to either come up or down*

*to be continued...*

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