GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 6 (part 1)

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(With the announcement out of the way, I hope you all enjoy seeing GB suffer just for finding a child in an abandoned kindergarten. Just kidding, but I do hope y'all enjoy the story.)

*as the elevator landed, GB and Sheriff Toadster got off, but GB wasn't very joyful because of how he saw Little Beak fall into Givanium to turn into a giant monster until Toadster spoke up*

Sheriff Toadster: The thought of what could be happening on the floor above terrifies me... Picture hundreds of angry animals finally escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace, and that's to get you and your friends; their captors. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. We're in big trouble, partner. We can't stay here long. Unless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making you easier to digest.

GB: ... *looks on the table and found a keycard* ... *grabs the keycard* ... *saw the button and has the drone hit the button and presses the keycard scanner* to open the door until he and Toadster heard weird noises*

Sheriff Toadster: That's our ticket out of here, partner.

GB: *presses the keycard scanner and opened the other door*

Sheriff Toadster: *leads the way* Follow me, I know a place where we can hole up. It ain't the prettiest, but it should be unoccupied at least.

GB: *then follows Toadster until the lights went out*

Sheriff Toadster: Oh what?! Come on. We can't stay in the dark! Let's head to that light over there!

GB: *follows Toadster and the sheriff presses the keycard scanner to turn the lights on*

Sheriff Toadster: Phew. We should be safe for now. *goes down the stairs to go into what looked like a forest with a house* Man, do I not miss this place. This is where I took refuge after being dumped down here by your kind. Many cold and lonely nights have been spent here. Ones that I wish to forget. I was found by the queen and BitterGiggle and a couple of others, and was foolish enough to let myself believe that things could get better. But here I am. Back to square one. Like I told you earlier, we need to get the queen's scepter as soon as possible. It's the one thing that can allow us to recontain the Naughty Ones, and seal the door behind them. We had it stored in this room away from anyone that could get to it, hoping we would never have to use it again. But here we are. The door opens by activating four switches scattered across the different sectors on this floor. The Naughty Ones despise the light. You should be safe from them as long as you stay in lit spaces. The first thing we should do is find a way to safely get to the other sectors. Let's have a look around.

GB: *looks at the door and noticed one of the red lights changed green, so he has to find 3 more switches* ... *looks over and saw he has to climb on the pipes to get to the top* ... *gets about halfway up until Toadster had to shout out*

Sheriff Toadster: Careful up there!

GB: ... *gives the thumbs up to thank him for the warning* ... *and he finally makes it to the top* ... (I'm not doing The Nanny part where she kills GB. Sorry.) *looks around the area and found a keycard scanner and presses it to open the closet door to grab what looks like lights for the drone* ..! *calls up the drone to attach the lights to it and very carefully lands on the ground on his two feet* ... *looks over and saw Toadster and BanBaleena, walks over to them and Sheriff Toadster spoke up*

Sheriff Toadster: Hey partner, do you happen to know anything about someone who tricks others and imprisons them? This dame claims someone kidnapped and imprisoned her for some time, but she managed to escape.

BanBaleena: I didn't get a good look at them.

Sheriff Toadster: I have a feeling the culprit is incredibly clever and good at what he does, and that he's very handsome.

BanBaleena: I didn't say that...

Sheriff Toadster: My gut feeling is never wrong, and something tells me HE IS very handsome. But you came to the right place, miss. It should be safe here for now.

BanBaleena: My students are my responsibility. I can't teach without a full attendance list. The principal would be very mad if I did.

Sheriff Toadster: We ought to find the culprit, but let's make sure we are alive to do so first. How about you head over to the Introduction Sector and look for the first switch. I'll have Stinger Flynn transported here. Mrs. Mason, you seem to have been through a lot and we need everyone to stay focused. *GB was in disbelief again* I think you should rest for now. May we get through this alive.

GB: ... *he was lost for words, or lack-there-of, first, he remembered BanBan being named Uthman and now BanBaleena is now named Mrs. Mason* ... *calls the drone to keep light on him to get to the Introduction Sector* ... *goes up the stairs to press the keycard scanner to turn on the lights* ..? *saw a piece of paper: "Dear mommy, we will not talk to the Face like Miss Mason said!"* ..!? *holds onto it and just moves towards the door and presses the keycard scanner to open the door and into what looks like a big room* ..? *notices the weird light things around the room and has no idea what they do* ... *goes upstairs to look around and found a keycard and grabs it* ... *he wants to calm down after the trauma from seeing Little Beak* ... *he sits in a chair and looks through all the notes and Case Update Reports to figure out what's really going on in the kindergarten, so he took a while to try to put the pieces together, but he didn't figure it out yet. He needs more proof, so he puts the notes and Case Update Reports back in his pocket to press the keycard scanner to open the door, but when the room lights came on, he was shocked to see...*

*to be continued...*

(Cliffhangers Lol)

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