GB in Garten of Banban chapter 7 (part 6)

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*GB was in the bar playing cards and won yet again, but he gives the alien citizens the lollipops and leaves the bar to go back to the opened gate and walks through*

GB: ... *was ready for Naughtified Banbaleena, but noticed the whiteboard says: "Everyone welcome the new principal! He's beautiful He's gorgeous But most importantly, He's Sir Dadadoo"* ... *draws a big X on Sir Dadadoo and draws Banban on the board instead* ... *goes to the button that says: "Register Attendance" and presses it and as expected Naughtified Banbaleena shows up*

Naughtified Banbaleena: You're just in time for the pop exam. If you have attended classes consistently, this exam will be a piece of cake. The task is simple. All you have to do is match the correct icons on the left screens to the correct icons on the right screens. Teamwork is everything. You are allowed to walk around and discuss the answers with your classmates. This is worth a big part of your final grade. You'd better focus. And as usual, failing will result in dire consequences. Begin!

GB: ... *realizes the icons on both sides are representing the characters themselves* ... *finishes the 1st one in one go with 3 minutes 57 seconds*

Naughtified Banbaleena: Good job! Full marks on the first part! Now to the second, and much harder part...

GB: *realizes he has to press the button to start the next part and saw that both sides are doing the same thing* ... *finishes it with about 2 minutes 22 seconds*

Naughtified Banbaleena: Are you cheating somehow? Your attendance doesn't really match your knowledge on the subject of the exam, I'm impressed. If there's another teacher in town that's been teaching behind my back, you should give me their name after we're done. Now to the final and hardest part. Begin!

GB: *presses the button again and tries to finish it and finishes it in 4 minutes 15 seconds*

Naughtified Banbaleena: Great job, class! Everyone gets an A+. See, class? If you work hard, you succeed! You may all now take a break, then we'll move onto chemistry. *leaves the area*

GB: ... *the lights turned back on and the locker opened with the keycard* ... *grabs it and was about to go to the Tools Mart, but saw the giant head from the upper floors* ... *ignores it and heads to the entrance and presses the keycard scanner, but when it opens, there was another door behind it, but heard Syringeon's voice (I don't know why, but Syringeon's voice sounds like a pirate's.)*

Syringeon: So that's where it leads. I sent a team of bounty hunters to check out this building earlier. Maybe that's why they never came back. Need I say what needs to be done next? *used his four arms and presses the big button and the door opens* As usual, my assistants have proven themselves to be completely useless, and it is now up to us to do their jobs for them. The future of everyone and everything is in all six of our hands. *GB then realizes he has 2 arms while Syringeon has 4 arms* I'll stand out here and make sure nothing gets in or out. Sounds like a fair splitting of tasks to me.

GB: ... *walks into the room and the doors shut and called the drone and realized that it still has the lights on* ..! *searches the room to find anything and climbs over a wall and found a keycard, climbs over the wall again and saw the keycard scanner, presses it and it activates the control panel and controls the door to the glass, breaks it and hits a button and the door opens, but it showed a little room* ..? *then goes up to the keycard scanner, presses it and the door opens* ... *walks into the place and saw an alien laying on floor*

Alien citizen (translating): Father... Is that you? Listen. You need to get out of here. You're not the bounty hunter here. You're the hunted... *dies*

GB: ..? *walks up the stairs and presses the keycard scanner and the door opens* ..? *looks on the floor and saw buttons with pictures of Stinger Flynn, Slow Seline...Queen Bouncelia and... Banban...* ... *sits by the table and wants to forget anything with what happened to everyone he knows: Queen Bouncelia, Bittergiggle and Banban* ... *he just wants to get it over with so he can save everyone* ... *presses the button underneath the TV and it showed him a pattern: Banban, Stinger Flynn, Stinger Flynn* ..! *he realizes that the buttons with the pictures are like the answer* ... *presses Banban, Stinger Flynn, Stinger Flynn and got it correct* ... *presses the button again and the pattern showed: Queen Bouncelia, Slow Seline, Slow Seline* ... *presses the same pattern and got it correct* ... *presses the button again, but the pattern was going very crazy it was hard for GB to concentrate until it stopped* ... *presses Queen Bouncelia, but it was wrong* ... *the lights started flickering and the doors were being knocked very hard* !!! *the lights went out and heard crying, but saw a giant baby head crawling on the floor trying to get GB* !!! *avoids it so many times* !!! *noticed the big buttons and uses the drone to hit them* !!! *avoids the giant baby head and noticed the door opened and GB walked through and the doors shut* ... *he relaxes by the wall to try and rest from running around* ... *gets up and noticed 2 more buttons but the pictures were Jumbo Josh and Opila Bird* ... *after 3 attempts to solve the pattern, the doors open and he walks through* ... *grabs the keycard, presses the keycard scanner and walks through the door* ..? *saw both doors, but goes upstairs and presses the keycard scanner, the doors opened and saw "Mapping Center"* ..? *noticed the control panel and calls the drone to check it out and saw that it was kinda like a pathway, but when he pressed a button it said "Updating Mapping..." then switches to "Mapping Updated!"* ... *the lights turned on and the floor lights lit up* ... *he fainted because of having to do so many puzzles*

*to be continued...*

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