GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 6 (part 2)

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(I'm sorry for the cliffhanger at the end of the 1st part, so I'm gonna continue where we left off. Enjoy!)

*GB saw who it was when the lights came on... BitterGiggle and he backed away from him until BitterGiggle spoke up*

BitterGiggle: A... Are they gone? *walks out of the room* Don't worry, I... I'm not going to hurt you. I've done enough damage as it is...  I know it doesn't make up for what I've done and trying to take you down, but I'm sorry. I truly am. I don't know what came over me. I just... Couldn't hold myself back... I knew the consequences well, and I still went ahead and said that stupid joke! And now the queen's probably dead because of me... I wouldn't blame you if you don't forgive me, but I will be very thankful if you do. Just know that I'll do my best to make up for what I did. You're here for the switch for the room where the scepter is, right? *GB nods yes* It's in here, but it's inside of that locker. I can't figure out what to do... *moves out of the way for GB*

GB: ... *walks up to BitterGiggle and holds out his hand* ... *BitterGiggle hesitated, but shook GB's hand and GB surprisingly hugs BitterGiggle* ... *BitterGiggle was shocked and realizes that GB forgives him and hugs GB back* ... *lets go of BitterGiggle and goes into the room and found what looks like a breaker (FNaF SL reference Lol)* ... *presses the keycard scanner and notices the table with keycard scanners until he realized the pictures on the walls meaning a beginning to end* ..! *after a while he activated all the spotlights and BitterGiggle spoke up*

BitterGiggle: What are all of these colorful lights for?

GB: ..! *realizes there are arrows by the spotlights and goes to all of them to point towards the whiteboard until it began to count down and the lights went dim*

BitterGiggle: We gotta hide! Get in here! *hides in the room*

GB: !!! *hurries and made it just in time*

BitterGiggle: We gotta wait till whatever video is playing outside ends. Don't. Say. A word.

???: Hello? Anybody in there? It's your friend BanBan. I need your help...

BitterGiggle: *realizes who it was* He's out already? Don't even think about opening this door.

???: Open Up... Open Up. OPEN UP! OPEN UP! OPEN UP! OPEN UP!

BitterGiggle: The lights are turning back on. I think the video is ending. It's worse than I thought. And it's all because of me. We should go back to wherever you came from. On the way back I'll think of some jokes that might distract the Sheriff from obliterating me on sight.

GB: ... *the locker opens up and noticed the switch was big* ... *presses it and the door opens* ... *signals BitterGiggle to follow him* ... *walks towards the lamp and noticed that it's shining* ..! *walks through the lit lamps back to Sheriff Toadster's old home until he noticed BitterGiggle on sight*

Sheriff Toadster: You have a lot of guts showing up here, BitterGiggle. I should take you out where you stand. Did you really think I would allow you in here? And look who it is. My partner in fighting crime turns out to be working with our most wanted criminal behind my back. I had a bad feeling about you the moment I saw you. I wanted to use you as bait for the other criminals, but the queen insisted we give you a chance. Should've gone with my instincts. As usual, I was right. You two should go. Your fate in here won't be much better than your fate out there with the Naughty Ones. I don't need no partners. I'll find Little Beak, and together we'll rid the world of monsters like you.

GB: ... *then got heartbroken from seeing flashbacks of Little Beak falling into the Givanium* ... *until he saw something and tried to warn Sheriff Toadster and BanBaleena before the Naughty One took BanBaleena into the darkness*

Sheriff Toadster: No! I'll save you! *rushes to the darkness*

BitterGiggle: Let's get out of here! *him and GB ran until they stopped in front of Stinger Flynn* Okay... We're safe for now. So there's that.

Stinger Flynn: Oh... It's you two... The duo of destruction. Didn't you cause all of this to happen?

BitterGiggle: I did... And I plan to make up for it.

Stinger Flynn: Everyone that you care to see you redeem yourself is probably already gone, so what's the point?

BitterGiggle: How do you even talk? Jellyfish have no brain. We should go turn on the other switches of the door. Let's head to the Potentiality Sector next.

GB: ... *wants to go there, but lays against the wall and is hearing Sheriff Toadster repeating "Little Beak"* ... *until he had the feeling of someone supporting him and it was BitterGiggle relaxing with him* ... *continues crying about Little Beak and blames himself for not saving Little Beak* ... *suddenly falls asleep*

BitterGiggle: *his mind: Poor new guy, whoever this Little Beak the Sheriff said really got to him very rough... Wait, that little bird that fell in the Givanium... Oh... God, I messed up really bad. I still want to help him out. So, I'm gonna help out as best as I can.*

Stinger Flynn: *his mind: He had a rough time and I overheard Toadster talking about Little Beak. Is it really what this new guy is upset about? Why would I know... It's their own fault for not listening to me in the first place.*

*after a while, GB woke up seeing BitterGiggle.. Sleeping? and Stinger Flynn's eye shut meaning he's also asleep*

GB: ... *calls the drone to go to the Potentiality Sector* ... *goes with the drone to the Sector and went up to see... Mr. Kabob Man? with a keycard behind him* ... *grabs the keycard and goes towards the door and presses the keycard scanner to open the door and walks inside* ... *noticed what looks like a BitterGiggle clone but split up and hears them argue*

BitterGiggle clone (Green half): Come on, man, we have to get back together.

BitterGiggle clone (Orange half): Not a chance! Your jokes are trash!

BitterGiggle clone (Green half): You'll have one leg. Everybody will think you're the joke when you're hopping around like a bunny. We must get back together to prevent that!

BitterGiggle clone (Orange half): You make a good point. Let me think about it for a second. NEVER! *then dropkicks the Green half into the abyss before dangling with one arm and suddenly falling off*

GB: ... *was confused on what just happened*

*To be continued...*

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