GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 6 (part 6)

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*GB, BitterGiggle and BanBan looked behind them and what came into the room is... Sir Dadadoo*

Sir Dadadoo: So this is where the key to my prison was stored away. Impressive work. All switches activated, the big door opened and the treasure ready to be plundered. I fear this is the part where I come in and take all of your hard work for myself. I can sense I'm not the only one in this room that's good at this. Consider it part of the payback for what was done to me. Plus I need to make sure history doesn't repeat itself.

BitterGiggle: *knew what Sir Dadadoo was talking about* We had no choice. They were going to destroy us all!

Sir Dadadoo: You did have a choice. And you chose wrong. Where are the sheriff and the surgeon? Surely me coming in here and taking the scepter wasn't part of your grand plan.

BitterGiggle: I... I don't know where they are.

Sir Dadadoo: I'll tell you. They're hiding like the cowards you all are. But I'll find them, and all will pay. Seems the scepter is incomplete too. Are you going to tell me where the missing piece is or am I going to have to eat your pet kitty?

BanBan: You won't be doing any of that. *NabNab then stood in front of BanBan* Forget what happened between us before. You know you've always been my friend. But what are friends for if not for times like these? *places his hand on NabNab's shoulder, GB looked at NabNab like he knows what's going to happen, but GB doesn't know what's going on, until BanBan used a syringe on NabNab and threw him behind*

GB: !!! *goes straight to BanBan until NabNab suddenly turned into a monster and attacked Sir Dadadoo*

BanBan: Run!

*GB, BitterGiggle and BanBan then starts running in a hedge maze until they reached the end until BitterGiggle spoke up*

BitterGiggle: I... I don't think I can go...

BanBan: What? What do you mean?

BitterGiggle: You wouldn't understand. They appreciate my jokes!

BanBan: Who's they?

BitterGiggle: This is my one chance to have an audience, and I am going to take it! Goodbye! *then laughs and jumps down into the abyss*

GB: !!! *then follows BanBan to the elevator and gets on* ..? *the lights went out and when they turned back on... Sir Dadadoo has already got nearly everyone: BanBaleena, NabNaleena, Tamataki and Chamataki (GB remembered the name of the Turtle/Chameleon hybrid), Opila, Tarta, BitterGiggle and Kittysaurus* !!!

Sir Dadadoo: And this is where they realized that everything they have worked so hard for was all for nothing. Both of you will be a fine addition to my army. Together and under my command, we will finish what the queen couldn't.

BanBan: *then looks at GB* I'll hold them off.

GB: !!! *shakes his head no*

BanBan: Look for the surgeon.

GB: !!! *was about to get off til the elevator then goes down, the lights went out and BanBan then dashed towards the possessed creatures and Sir Dadadoo while GB has to listen to them screaming from fighting BanBan*

*To be continued...*

(Well, this is where I take a break and wait til Garten of BanBan 7 comes out. Anyways, peace out, y'all.)

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