GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 4 (part 1)

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(So, this next story is gonna have more parts. Because if you played Chapter 4, then you should know why. Anyways, enjoy the story!)

*GB and the Baby Opila Chick woke up to see they made it to the lower level*

GB: *gets up and offers to pick up the baby Opila chick, to which the baby chick allowed it and GB places the baby chick on his shoulder* ... *walks out of the elevator, but heard something charging at him and when he looked over, it was the Giant Turtle/Chameleon hybrid and they looked angry* !!! *held onto the chick and runs away from the hybrid* !!! *hurries through the maze and finally makes it and the hybrid got stuck* ... *places the chick on the button and steps on the other button and the door opens* ... *goes through the door and noticed the button up high* ... *looks at the baby Opila chick to see if they want to be up there to step on the button, it nodded yes and GB places the baby chick on the button and GB called the drone to hit the button on the wall while he pressed the button on the other side of the room and the door opened* ... *holds his hands out for the baby chick, but it won't get down* ... *then gets on the platform to get to the baby chick and pets its head* ... *then gets down, but he didn't want to leave the chick behind, but he had to leave the room and saw something around the corner* ..? *noticed another remote, but as he reaches to grab it until he was knocked out cold and got dragged before blacking out* ... *until he wakes up to an interrogation room until an unknown voice spoke up*

???: Listen up, criminal, that whole act of you being unconscious won't work on me. You're a prisoner now. You'll do what you're told without any questions, understood? Now, your first task is simple. I will ask you yes-or-no questions, and you'll answer them using the buttons on your left and right. Facing forward, the button on your right is a "yes" and the button on your left is a "no". Question one. Someone locked up all the criminals in the swamp on the level above. Was that you?

GB: *until GB realized that the voice speaking was none other than Sheriff Toadster, but answered by pressing the button "yes"*

Sheriff Toadster: You saved a lot of time for someone that needs every minute on their hand, so thank you for that. That someone shall not be mentioned. Moving on. Have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board? *showed a picture of Jumbo Josh*

GB: ... *presses the button "yes"*

Sheriff Toadster: Really? I'm surprised you're still in one piece. Third question. Have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board? *shows a picture of Stinger Flynn*

GB: ... *presses the button "yes"*

Sheriff Toadster: Adds up. Fourth question. Have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board? *shown the same figure like the picture after the Turtle/Chameleon hybrid fight*

GB: ... *presses the button "no"*

Sheriff Toadster: I thought so. You must have come from the floors above. Fifth question. Have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board? *shows a picture of NabNab*

GB: ... *presses the button "yes"*

Sheriff Toadster: That one gives me the creeps. Sixth question. Have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board? *shows a picture of himself*

GB: ... *looks at the picture and at Sheriff Toadster* ... *presses the button "no"*

Sheriff Toadster: I hope the rest of your answers were as truthful as this one. Alright. Grab your belongings from the back and step out of the room.

GB: *gets up from the chair and grabbed the remote* ... *heard the door open and walks out and saw Sheriff Toadster*

Sheriff Toadster: What a waste of time. You don't even work here. What on earth are you doing this deep down, anyway, partner? You know what? Follow me. We can talk more inside. It's not very safe out here. *GB followed him and they walked across a bridge* Careful here. It's not very sturdy. *until they got to the gate and Sheriff Toadster presses the keycard scanner and looks at GB* Welcome to the kingdom. *the gates opened and it was so pretty even if it has some defenses* It's not up to me to decide what to do with you, partner. We need to talk to the queen, and when we do, show respect.

GB: ... *follows Sheriff Toadster up the stairs until he saw a Giant Kangaroo, but he remembers the name: Queen Bouncelia*

Sheriff Toadster: Your majesty, I've finished interrogating the new captive.

Queen Bouncelia: And how would you rate the fruitfulness of that interrogation, on a scale of 1 to 10?

Sheriff Toadster: Zero. They don't talk much and I think they came from the surface.

Queen Bouncelia: The surface? That's a new one. Did they say what they're doing down here?

Sheriff Toadster: I'm afraid not.

Queen Bouncelia: I think I know. A worried parent asked someone to find their child a mile away. I've heard the screams and the crash from above. You're here in search of someone's child. *GB nods yes* I fear you won't find them here. Most humans have ceased to come down to this floor for quite some time now. We can help with getting you back up to the upper floors, but allow us to introduce ourselves first. I am Queen Bouncelia, the ruler of the Kingdom. This is Sheriff Toadster, the protector and only other citizen of the kingdom. I apologize on behalf of both myself and the Sheriff for the rough reception. We've all been a little on edge lately. I'm sure you can understand. *looks at Sheriff Toadster* How's the elevator back up doing, sheriff?

Sheriff Toadster: Not too well. It's missing some crucial parts. Three to be exact.

Queen Bouncelia: Do you know where these parts are?

Sheriff Toadster: Yes, your majesty. I was previously too occupied to go and collect 'em.

Queen Bouncelia: The coming hours will be rough for us all, but this is not your battle, friend. Sheriff, accompany our friend and go grab the missing parts.

Sheriff Toadster: But, your majesty, we should be focused on protecting you.

Queen Bouncelia: You will. Once you two get back with the parts in hand.

Sheriff Toadster: *looks at GB* Alright, you heard the lady. Let's head to the station, partner.

GB: ... *realizes that he has to go through this again*

*to be continued...*

GB in Garten of BanbanWhere stories live. Discover now