GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 4 (part 3)

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(I hope y'all are enjoying this so far. This is gonna take longer than expected, so I hope this is worth the wait. Enjoy!)

*GB was having fun with Little Beak, but knows he has to get the other parts for the elevator*

GB: ... *pats Little Beak's head and leaves to see Queen Bouncelia*

Queen Bouncelia: Welcome back. I hope your journey was worth it, and the elevator a little more usable. I wanted to let you know how much I respect the things you are doing to get the child back. Putting your life on the line and fighting forces far more powerful than you like that is just... Admirable... As a token of my respect, please accept this blue keycard. While not much, it is what we consider a symbol of trust. I'm proud to announce that you are officially a citizen of the kingdom. Feel free to stay as much as you like, even after you get the child back. The kingdom can now proudly announce that it has reached a population of five! I say five because a friend of yours showed up while you were away. He was in a damaged state so I told him to stay in the infirmary. He asked for you, so perhaps you could speak with him when you have time?

GB: ... *nods yes and grabs the keycard and another Case Update Report and holds onto it* ... *leaves to go to the infirmary to find this friend* ..? *looks at the rooms and saw Slow Seline in her shell and... BanBan?!* .?! *presses the keycard scanner and walks through to see BanBan*

BanBan: When the queen mentioned having many new visitors in one day, I knew it had to be you. Listen, whatever happened to me... Whatever I tried doing to you... Just know it wasn't actually me. I was forced to obey without much thought. I tried communicating with you from afar for a reason. Now you know the true reason why. Still, I want to make it up to you. The queen filled me in on the situation with the elevator. I want to help with that. I feel much more in control now. I'll come help you find the missing pieces of the elevator. I just need to rest for a little bit and I'll meet you at whatever that station is.

GB: ... *grabs a keycard and noticed the cell at the end of the hall* ... *saw a note on the floor: "Dear mommy, we just had the best Party EVER!!"* ... *presses the keycard scanner and it opens to see Stinger Flynn asleep* ... *presses the keycard scanner and it woke him up*

Stinger Flynn: Oh... It's you... Don't worry, I'm unable to hurt you. I'm too weak to do anything. By not listening to me and leaving when you had the chance, you have made a great mistake. Finally after managing to keep Josh under control, you just had to come around and anger him. Look where your arrogance got us now; a position where neither of us can get to the children. This is your fault, and nobody else's. I meant it when I said I would practice the safest of procedures. But regardless, I have something I want to show you. It sure looks like you need it.

GB: ... *was getting very tired, then passes out*

*GB then wakes up in the dream after the car crash, he noticed Captain Fiddles, Opila, Stinger Flynn, BanBan, NabNab and the huge face in the background*

BanBan: Oh, hi! You're up again. You sure are a sleepy fellow.

Stinger Flynn: Agreed.

BanBan: Grab some of the vegetables snacks we collected and eat. *suddenly realizes* Oh, they're all finished.

Stinger Flynn: I already have consumed my share of the nutrients we have gathered while you were in your slumber.

BanBan: Me too, sorry about that.

*NabNab was about to eat a vegetable, but saw that GB was getting hungry so he gave the vegetable to GB*

Stinger Flynn: I have never witnessed kindness coming from a spider before.

BanBan: Man... If Jumbo Josh was here he would have loved those vegetables.

Stinger Flynn: I am pretty content that he is not gracing us with his irritating presence.

BanBan: *looks at Stinger Flynn* Why do you hate him so much? Sure he's got some anger issues but overall he's pretty chill.

Stinger Flynn: We've had our fair share of altercations. Hate is one of the two emotions I am unable to control.

BanBan: What's the 2nd one?

Stinger Flynn: Sorrow.

BanBan: Not again...

Stinger Flynn: How is any being able to move past constant sorrow in a world like ours. Sometimes I feel like we're all just doomed forever. We each have our plans and goals but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. Nor can it undo the past or previous misery.

BanBan: Life is too short to be sad all the time, Stinger.

Stinger Flynn: Our lives aren't.

BanBan: Well, I don't know what to tell you. You know I'm not the best at this stuff. Maybe NabNab or the Captain can help. *looks at Captain Fiddles* Captain?

*Captain Fiddles then waves his arm*

BanBan: As expected.

*until they all heard a whistle*

BanBan: What's that sound?

Stinger Flynn: Lots of other creatures reside in this ecosystem. Could be anything.

*the whistle then got louder*

BanBan: Yeah, but what kind of animal makes THAT sound? *until he was grabbed by... CHOO CHOO CHARLES?!* AGH HELP ME!

*Stinger Flynn and NabNab helped out while Captain Fiddles was hiding and Opila Bird was still sleeping and the car exploded to wake GB up from the dream*

GB: ... *rubs his head to get rid of the nasty headache and slowly makes his way to the old transport system where he saw BanBan*

BanBan: Where have you been? I've been waiting for a while. The next piece that we need should be at the second station. The feeding sector. *gets on board and waits for GB to get on*

GB: ... *hopes that no more surprises come his way and gets on the transport, hopefully it'll be better than the first time*

*to be continued...*

GB in Garten of BanbanWhere stories live. Discover now