GB in Garten of Banban Chapter 7 (part 7)

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*GB took his time with having to use the mapping and finally made it to the other side*

GB: *presses the keycard scanner, the doors open, he walks through and goes up the stairs to be on the roof, but he found a giant Givanium spillage and collected a sample and grabbed the Case Upadte Report about "The Child-Monkey"* ... *holds onto it and goes to the other side and saw writing "Safety Landing Pad (courtesy of the mayor)* ... *he jumps down and landed in the trash and goes to the gate, presses the keycard scanner and the gate opens and goes up to Syringeon*

Syringeon: Okay. You're still in one piece. That must means you didn't find him. But wait... What's that you got there? Is that a givanium sample? He must've gotten hurt trying to flee the darkness. This is even better than actually finding him. We can use this to lure him to wherever we want. Come with me. I hate to use my supreme knowledge about givanium against my own kind, but it is what it is. *walks while GB follows him* After the facility abandoned the entire previous waves of cases and threw them in the lower levels, which included myself, they saw another use for me. I had four arms equipped with important tools, and I would never tire or get hungry. The facility recruited me to participate in just about every facet of their operations. One of the cases that came under my hand was Jumbo Josh. *him and GB stopped in front of the last piece of the scepter* Let's just say that we managed to create a case that behaves like an adult male gorilla more than an actual adult male gorilla. He's curious and he's territorial. Once he senses another gorilla in its proximity, he'll come. This sample will smell like an entirely different specimen with a few tweaks. You see where I'm going? *GB shakes his head no* Plus, I've prepared a little contraption that might also help us with pulling this off. Sir Dadadoo won't suspect a thing. This is the golden chance. We're out here making history and all some of us care about is going to a beach. Pfff... *GB looks up and saw the trap and knew that it was time to capture Sir Dadadoo and gives the sample to Syringeon and he laces the scepter piece with the givanium sample* Alright, I've laced this scepter piece with the modified version of the sample you had. It's so potent that even the queen can smell from all the way up there. If she's even still capable of smelling... Ready? Brace yourself. I don't know how this is going to go. Dadadoo! You win! The scepter piece is yours! *him and GB waited for Sir Dadadoo to show up, but he didn't show up* Maybe it was too obvious? *until Sir Dadadoo finally showed up with the scepter in his hand* We meet again, old friend.

Sir Dadadoo: Last I recall, friends don't imprison each other.

Syringeon: You have every right to be mad at us. I would be too, but you have to understand that we were forced to do what we did.

Sir Dadadoo: Here's what truly happened. Our plan failed, and all of you were too cowardly to face the punishment. So you took the easy way out, and made me PAY alone for all of us. Nothing you could say or do will be enough to make up for all of these cold nights I had spent inside of that pouch. I can't describe how good it feels to see you all cowering in fear of me.

Syringeon: Destroy the old you, before it destroys you. Isn't that what you used to tell us? And it worked. You gave us all hope when we lost everything. You gave us something to fight for. Now I need you to do the opposite. Destroy this new you. It has this bitter outlook on life that would've never gotten us this far. By turning on each other, they win...

Sir Dadadoo: You were always a smoothtalker, Syringeon, but it's not going to work on me. I know you have a trap set up somewhere. You don't think I know you and all of your tricks? You know what? Whatever the trap may be, my army will take care of you anyway. *he took the last piece and fixed the scepter, but the trap above Sir Dadadoo picked him and forced him to drop the scepter and he starts laughing* I knew it. Givanium will be spilled. Any last words before I command my army to devour you?

Syringeon: *looks at GB* Get in the box! *GB gets in the box to the right and hides behind the box behind him* Yeah lad, you and your army are about to get knackered.

*Naughtified Kittysaurus, Banbaleena and Nabnaleena showed up, but looked at the street in front of GB, which from Syringeon's POV it would be to the left*

GB: ..! *heard Jumbo Josh and saw him on his 2... feet? and he (Jumbo Josh) started beating his chest like a gorilla until the box started spinning and watches the fight going down*

*Jumbo Josh punches Naughtified Kittysaurus, threw Naughtified Banbaleena, Naughtified Nabnaleena crawls all over Josh's chest but got pushed back by Naughtified Tamataki and Chamataki, but Josh flipped them behind him and shoves Naughtified Opila and Tarta out of the way, but got his fist caught in Naughtified Kittysaurus' mouth and punched her jaw and starts doing a Kong reference and Josh ripped Naughtified Kittysaurus' mouth til he looked up to Sir Dadadoo*

Sir Dadadoo: Maybe we can negotiate something?

*Jumbo Josh grabbed Dadadoo and punched him rapidly, pauses and punches him again, but he turned to see the scepter, but since Jumbo Josh is stupid, he thought it might've been a lollipop and is about to eat it*

Syringeon: No! Don't eat it!

*until a big explosion happened and GB woke up in a hospital bed and saw Stinger Flynn and Syringeon*

Syringeon: Oh, good. You're up. The plan worked, but the scepter was destroyed in the process... It's better this way if you ask me. Nobody should have that much power. Everyone that was brainwashed is back to normal now, and corpses of the Naughty Ones litter the streets. I don't remember the last time I felt like I wasn't scared for my life. This feels good for a change. We've been through a lot You should rest, and when you wake up, we can discuss what we're going to do next.

*GB then decides to rest for a bit because of the fight from Josh and the Naughtified creatures*

*to be continued...*

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