GB in Garten of BanBan Chapter 3 (part 3)

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(Road trip of BanBan anyone? Lol. Enjoy!)

*GB then woke up suddenly in a car with BanBan, Opila, Captain Fiddles and Stinger Flynn, who is surprisingly driving*

BanBan: Hey, you. You're finally awake. Can't blame you for taking a nap, feels like we been in this car forever. *GB turns around and saw NabNab chasing the car* So... Stinger, when are we arriving at this place called "beach"?

Stinger Flynn: I believe we are lost.

*Opila screams in anger*

BanBan: Nice. You had one job and you messed that up somehow.

Stinger Flynn: I am struggling to locate the being who asked for your opinion. (DAMN, STINGER!!!)

BanBan: Can you at least put some music on since we're gonna be out here for a while? *Stinger then plays some rock and roll song* That's what I'm talking about. Opila, what do you think about this?

*Opila screams again*

BanBan: Awesome. Captain, what about you? *looks at Captain Fiddles* Captain?

*Captain Fiddles just moved his arm*

BanBan: Okay, decent answer.

Stinger Flynn: Can you stop vocalizing for just one second so I can focus on the road.

BanBan: What do you mean focus on the road? We've been going in circles for hours. Never trust a jellyfish, am I right Opila?

*Opila screams*

Stinger Flynn: *turns his head and looks at BanBan* If your pathetic mouth utters another infuriating sentence, I will stuff your whole body in one of those stupid party hats on your head!

GB: *looks ahead and then points at the thing until a big crash*

*In Stinger Flynn's past...*

Stinger Flynn: *was in the hallway and goes down  and went into the dark room and presses the button to open the door to the next room* ... (since this is Stinger Flynn in the past, I figured he might've not known how to talk until he had some Givanium) *uses his 'shocking' powers to hit the buttons to make a bridge and has to hit the rotating buttons about 3 times to make a bridge come out and presses the keycard scanner and enters a room full of Givanium until everything goes dark*

*Back to the now, which is GB waking up from the car crash dream*

GB: ... *wakes up to the sound of BanBaleena's voice*

BanBaleena: Finally you're waking up. I was getting really bored and that fella over there isn't much of a talker. Plus, it's scary here. That big green guy keeps checking in on us. I think he believes we're some sort of dolls. We could use that to our advantage to try and escape. He cannot know that we're alive. Every time we move or change something in the room, let's make sure that it's back to the way it was before he checks in on us again. This way we can inch our way towards escaping, all while he doesn't suspect a thing. In other words, from his point of view, the room must remain unchanged. When he's close the lights change color, so run back to your chair when the lights change. I don't know where to start, though, so you give it a try.

GB: *then does the entire puzzle while not getting caught by Jumbo Josh and has to erase the equation BanBaleena drew on the board and finished the "training"* ... *GB and BanBaleena hurried out of the room back to the room where GB was first at*

BanBaleena: I'm heading back to class, and I expect you to be there before the fourth lesson starts. Trust me, you do NOT want to miss that one. Children are eagerly awaiting my return, so up I go! *the elevator then takes her up*

GB: ... *presses the keycard scanner to call the cable car* ... *gets on and heads to the Progressive sector* ... *presses the keycard scanner and walks through to a room he never knew* ..? *noticed a new character: Tarta Bird* ... *looks at the table and it was yet another Case Update report to which he held onto it with the other Case Update Reports he's collected for a while* ... *presses the keycard scanner and enters a room with a... baby Opila chick just watching GB* ..? *goes around and saw a sign that shows how to tame a giant Angry Bird (insert Angry Birds theme song here)* ... *looks up and saw 2 eyes* ..! *then backs away and leaves the room* ... *looks at the billboard and it shows what the answer would be* ... *looks at the walls and thinks back to the other billboard and solves all the answers and the door opens* ... *goes through and saw yet another character: Mr. Kabob Man* ... *presses the keycard scanner and a door opened to reveal another door, GB presses the button again and it reveals another door, to which he gets annoyed* ... *a few hours later, he opened the last door after not only picking up another Case Update Report but also learned about surviving an attack by a giant Chameleon* ... *takes a few deep breaths until he heard a roar* ... *what he saw next nearly shit his pants, a giant Turtle mixed with a Chameleon* !!! *until the Chameleon then extended its huge tongue almost crushing GB* !!! *after a while to get the firework while dodging the weird looking eggs and the creature then fell to his death into the abyss* ... *and it crashed onto the floor in the abyss* ... *goes to the other side and grabbed the party hats and saw a photo* ..? *he noticed about the giant face and the giant Turtle/Chameleon hybrid, but he didn't know the last creature* ... *holds onto it and goes back to Mr. Kabob Man and places the party hats on Mr. Kabob Man* ... *then pushes Mr. Kabob Man as it keeps saying weird things: "Hand over your pancreas!", "Three stones with one bird!", "Behave or get Ban-banned!"* ... *until Mr. Kabob Man was in front of the baby Opila chick and presses the keycard scanner to make Tarta Bird run away while GB caught the baby Opila chick and the door opens until Tarta Bird dropped down to get GB until he jumped on Tarta Bird's back* ... *Tarta Bird then carried GB next to Opila Bird* ... *puts the baby Opila chick on Opila Bird's back and presses the keycard scanner and Stinger Flynn appears*

Stinger Flynn: Okay... Bird-riding is a new one. I'll give you that. What drives you forward so vigorously? I refuse to accept that it's your duty to protect the innocent. Oh, I know. Someone has given you false hope; promised you what you want when all along they had one thing on their mind. Pancreases. *reveals BanBan hanging on Stinger Flynn's tentacles* At first I was confused by how everything was going perfectly in your favor, despite you never being here before. And then it hit me. Someone has to have been guiding you. And as with most things, I was right. You did have help. Your friend here has helped me tremendously. Thanks to him, I bore witness to very vital information. What information, you ask? *suddenly drops BanBan* Well, when my turn comes, I will simply prevent myself from turning into what he turned into.

GB: *was confused until he saw a Hellish version of BanBan appear from nowhere and the birds suddenly dashed away* !!! *when they reached the 1st door, GB memorized how the doors work without the keycards* ... *after a while to get through the doors, they made it to the end, but Hell BanBan caught up to them*

Hellish BanBan: You can run away, but the smell of your pancreas will always draw me to you... *til he heard Jumbo Josh*

GB: *was being carried by Tarta Bird while watching Jumbo Josh and Hellish BanBan fight and Jumbo Josh won, but Stinger Flynn came into view* ...

Stinger Flynn: STOP IT, YOU TWO!

GB: *watches Jumbo Josh beat Stinger Flynn when the lights went out and Tarta Bird was about to fall and GB tried to help him, but didn't get him in time* !!! *looks over at Opila before she suddenly jumped down* !!! *presses the keycard scanner and walks through until he saw the baby Opila chick get on the elevator* ..? *looks over at the board and saw writing: "Find the Kingdom. Find the Sheriff. Do not let the Jester find you."* ... *gets on the elevator and presses the keycard scanner to go down* ... *sits with the baby Opila chick and it lays on his lap and fell asleep* ... *he falls asleep as well as the long ride to the lower levels can take a while*

*to be continued...*

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