Chapter 3

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As Kaia came to, she realized she was no longer in the mystical woods. Instead, she found herself sitting on one of the chairs next to her pool. The transition from the enchanted grove to the familiar setting of her own backyard left her disoriented and questioning the reality of the events that had transpired.                       

"How in the world did I get here?" Kaia muttered, her voice carrying a blend of confusion and disbelief. The memory of the wolves, and the intertwining threads of destiny lingered in the recesses of her mind like fragments of a dream.

As she surveyed her surroundings, the ordinary world seemed to stretch before her, a stark contrast to the enchantment of Oakwood. The sunlight danced on the surface of the pool, casting ripples that mirrored the intricacies of her own thoughts. Yet, the ancient magic, still coursing through her veins, whispered of a reality that defied the mundane.       
"Kaia, were you out here asleep the whole day?" Her brother asked her, "Yeah, I just felt like getting a tan." She sputtered out. "In leggings?" She looked to remember what she had been wearing, a pair of leggings with an off the shoulder crop top. "Didn't know ugly tan lines were trendy now." He laughed before heading back inside.

She went to her room after asking Kadon to take care of Rocky for her as she went into her bedroom which also had her own bathroom and removed her blue contacts to reveal her beautiful gray eyes.

If only her father felt the same, to him her daughter's eyes just remind him of her deceased mother's eyes.

She felt her temples as she began to rub them before grabbing some pain killer to hopefully reduce the headache as she felt her mouth begin to ache. "What is happening?" She asked herself in the mirror before checking in her mirror as she saw her teeth soon form into sharp points. The transformation of her teeth left Kaia startled and perplexed.
She continued to examine her reflection in the mirror, her gray eyes wide with disbelief.
As the pain in her temples persisted, Kaia grappled with the inexplicable changes unfolding within her. The ache in her mouth, the transformation of her teeth—it all hinted at a connection with the supernatural clash in Oakwood.

With a mixture of awe and trepidation, Kaia traced the contours of her newly formed sharp teeth.

As she pondered the significance of these transformations, Kaia couldn't help but recall her father's distant gaze, haunted by the memories of her deceased mother.

In the quiet solitude of her room, Kaia felt the weight of the extraordinary burden she now carried. The revelation of her unique connection to Oakwood unfolded in the mirror before her, urging her to confront a destiny entwined with magic and mystery. The journey through the shadows of the enchanted realm had only just begun, and Kaia, with her gray eyes now a reflection of both the ordinary and the extraordinary, stood at the precipice of a destiny that defied the boundaries of the known world.

In the midst of her revelation, Kaia realized the challenge ahead. While Geo held the answers to the mysteries surrounding her transformation, she faced the hurdle of not having Geo's contact information.

Anxiety crept into her thoughts, exacerbated by the unsettling feeling that accompanied her newfound changes. The ache in her temples persisted, and a sense of unwellness gnawed at her. The threads of destiny that bound her to Geo and the ancient magic seemed to withhold the very means through which she could seek guidance.

With a determined resolve, Kaia decided to venture back into the woods. The enchanted realm held the answers she sought, and as the echoes of the supernatural clash lingered in her mind, the pull of Oakwood became an undeniable force.

As she prepared to reenter the mystical grove, Kaia grappled with the extraordinary destiny that awaited her. The threads of communication might be concealed within the ancient magic, but her journey through the shadows of Oakwood would uncover the intricacies of a fate entangled with both the ordinary and the extraordinary.

Kaia, fueled by a mix of determination and urgency, sprinted out of her house, the door slamming shut behind her. In her haste to return to the mystical grove, she had forgotten to wear her contacts, leaving her gray eyes exposed to the world.

The outside world blurred as she raced towards the edge of the enchanted woods. The ache in her temples intensified with each step, and the unwell feeling that had plagued her since her awakening added urgency to her journey.

The shadows of Oakwood beckoned, and with every heartbeat, the threads of destiny pulled her closer to the heart of the ancient grove.

As Kaia stumbled into the woods, the ache in her temples intensified, and her vision blurred. Three wolves, their forms ethereal and swift, raced toward her. In the disorienting haze, the wolves transformed before her eyes, shifting into towering men.

Amidst the surreal encounter, Kaia managed to utter a bewildered question, "What... What is happening?" Her words, tinged with both fear and confusion, hung in the air.

As her vision flickered, the mystical veil lifted, revealing the men standing over her. One of them, a figure with piercing eyes, spoke in a voice that resonated with an otherworldly cadence, "Rest. You're safe. We got you."

Unconsciousness claimed her, and the enchanted woods whispered secrets that echoed in the air, setting the stage for revelations yet to unfold in the heart of the mystical grove.

While Kaia lay unconscious, a white wolf materialized before her, its presence ethereal yet comforting. In the realm between dreams and reality, the wolf's voice resonated, as if carried by the very winds that whispered through the enchanted grove.

"I am the embodiment of your Lycan form," the white wolf spoke, its words carrying a weight that transcended the ordinary. "You are an Air Lycan, the last of your kind—a guardian of the unseen currents and winds that weave through the threads of destiny."

As the wolf continued to speak, the air around Kaia seemed to stir with an otherworldly energy. The revelation of her Lycan heritage unfolded in the silent conversation between them, and the white wolf became a guide to the ancient powers that coursed through her veins.

The last of the Air Lycans, she stood at the nexus of the ordinary and the extraordinary, poised to embrace a destiny that would redefine the very nature of her existence within the enchanted realm.

Kaia stirred awake to find Geo watching over her, his presence a familiar anchor in the mystical realm. Confusion and curiosity painted her expression as she met his gaze.

"What is a Lycan?" she inquired, her words revealing a blend of wonder and uncertainty. As the question hung in the air, Geo's expression shifted to surprise, as if her query had unexpectedly caught him off guard.

In the quiet of the enchanted grove, Geo began to unravel the mysteries of the Lycans—the beings who straddled the boundary between human and wolf, embodying the essence of Oakwood's magic. As the tales of their lineage and powers unfolded, Kaia found herself at the threshold of understanding, poised to navigate the complexities of her newfound identity as the last Air Lycan.

 As the tales of their lineage and powers unfolded, Kaia found herself at the threshold of understanding, poised to navigate the complexities of her newfound identity as the last Air Lycan

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