Chapter 12

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The moonlit path led Kaia and Geo through the forest, hand in hand, the tranquil sounds of nature guiding them back to the Oakwood Manor. Xander and Clay silently accompanied them, their wolf forms weaving through the shadows with a protective watchfulness.

Once inside the manor, the pack dispersed to their respective rooms. In the dimly lit space of their shared sanctuary, Geo and Kaia found comfort in each other's presence. They settled into bed, the embrace of sleep beginning to claim them.

However, the peace was short-lived. An hour later, Kaia's phone erupted with a flurry of messages, each ping cutting through the quiet of the room. Geo stirred as Kaia groggily reached for her phone, the screen illuminating her face. The voice of her best friend, Alicia, burst through the speaker as she frantically questioned Kaia about her mysterious new boyfriend.

"Why didn't you tell me about this guy, Kaia? You have never dated anyone, and suddenly, there's a mystery man in your life? Spill nows!" Alicia's excitement and concern echoed through the phone.

Geo, now fully awake, propped himself up on his elbow, casting a curious glance at Kaia. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she explained, "Alicia, calm down. I'll explain everything." But Alicia wasn't easily placated.

"I need to meet this lucky guy of yours, Kaia. We're going to meet at Sapphire Serenity Lake tomorrow. Don't you dare say no!" Alicia declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Kaia couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's persistence. "Alright, alright, we'll be there." She shot a glance at Geo, who wore an amused smile.

"Can't wait to meet him! See you both tomorrow!" Alicia's voice faded as the call ended. Kaia set her phone aside, turning her attention to Geo. His eyes gleamed with curiosity as he laid his head on her lap, looking up at her with an amused expression.

"Well, looks like you're going to meet my best friend, and she's determined to give you the grand introduction at our favorite spot," Kaia remarked, a mixture of excitement and embarrassment coloring her voice.

Geo grinned, "I'm looking forward to it. Your friend seems... energetic." He teased, his hand gently intertwining with hers. Apologizing for Alicia, Kaia confessed, "You know, Kadon might have accidentally spilled the beans to Alicia." She chuckled softly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Geo nodded understandingly before curiosity flickered in his eyes. "So, what about before me? You've never been with anyone?" he inquired gently.

A faint blush tinted Kaia's cheeks as she admitted, You're my first." Her gaze met his, a mixture of vulnerability and honesty reflecting in her eyes.

Surprised, Geo processed her words, his expression softening with understanding and warmth. "Well, I feel incredibly honored, then," he responded, his thumb gently caressing the back of her hand. "I'm glad we found each other."

Kaia smiled, feeling a sense of comfort in their shared connection. "Me too," she whispered, the sincerity resonating in her words.

As the night enveloped them once more, their intertwined hands bridged the gap between their pasts and the new journey they were about to embark upon together. With a sense of contentment, they settled back into the peaceful embrace of sleep, the anticipation of the coming day adding a touch of excitement to their dreams. they drifted back to sleep, the anticipation of the upcoming meeting added a spark of warmth to the night.

The morning sunlight gently streamed through the curtains as Geo stirred, awakening Kaia with a soft nudge. "Good morning," he whispered, his warm gaze meeting hers.

With a content smile, Kaia greeted him, "Morning," as they shared a brief moment of connection before getting ready for the day.

As they prepared, a knock echoed on the bedroom door. Dawn stood outside, "Kaia, do you happen to have some spare clothes?" she asked, looking hopeful.

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