Chapter 19

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The morning sun cast a golden hue over the manor as Kaia and Geo entered the kitchen, their hands entwined. The aroma of breakfast greeted them, mingling with the sight of their pack members gathered around the table.

Xander glanced up from his plate, curiosity evident in his expression, while Clay busied himself with utensils. Kaia's heart fluttered with apprehension as she realized she had to share her troubling revelation with the rest of the pack.

Summoning her courage, she met Geo's reassuring gaze before addressing the group. "There's something I need to tell you all," she began, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach.

As she recounted the events of the previous night, their packmates listened intently, their reactions ranging from shock to concern. Xander furrowed his brow in thought, while Clay's eyes widened with disbelief.

Just then, the Fraser Triplets entered through the front door, followed closely by Raylan and Seraphina. Dawn joined them from washing up, adding to the growing tension in the room.

When Kaia finished speaking, a heavy silence descended, broken only by the sizzle of food on the stove. She braced herself for their reactions, uncertain of how they would respond to the news.

Xander was the first to speak, his voice laced with concern. "Lycan hunters... It's been a while since we've had to deal with them," he mused, his gaze flickering to Geo. "We'll need to be cautious."

Geo nodded solemnly, his expression grave. "We can't underestimate them," he replied firmly. "But we won't allow them to harm our pack or our loved ones."

Clay, who had remained silent until now, spoke up tentatively. "What do you need from us, Geo?" he asked, uncertainty coloring his voice.

Geo glanced at Kaia, silently seeking her input. She met his gaze with a determined nod, knowing they needed the pack's support now more than ever.

"We need your help," she said, her voice steady despite her lingering doubts. "We need to gather as much information as possible about the Lycan hunters. Anything that might help us track them down and stop them."

The pack members nodded in understanding, determination shining in their eyes. Although Kaia's revelation had caught them off guard, they were ready to stand by their Alpha and Luna through whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they sat down to breakfast, a sense of camaraderie and purpose filled the room. Ideas and strategies flowed freely as they brainstormed ways to protect their pack from the looming threat.

Despite the seriousness of their task, there was unity and strength in their shared resolve. Together, they would face whatever came their way, drawing strength from their bond as a pack.

As breakfast concluded and the pack members dispersed to carry out their respective tasks, Kaia's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Seeing her father's name flashing on the screen sent a shiver down her spine. She excused herself from the table, stepping outside to take the call in private.

"Hello, Dad," she greeted, trying to keep her voice steady despite the knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.

"Kaia," her father's voice was stern, devoid of its usual warmth. "I need you to come home. Now."

Kaia's heart skipped a beat at the urgency in his tone. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Her father's response was chillingly calm. "We need to talk. Face to face."

Swallowing hard, Kaia nodded, even though her father couldn't see her. "I'll be there soon," she promised before ending the call.

Returning to the kitchen, Kaia found Geo waiting for her, concern etched on his features. "Is everything alright?" he asked, reaching out to take her hand.

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