Chapter 13

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As the Oakwood Pack members hurriedly entered Oakwood, they transformed into their wolf forms, swiftly making their way to the Fraser Triplets' home. Kaia, with a sense of urgency, explained everything to Tana, recounting her dreams of the merman. The triplets exchanged glances, and Teegan asked Tyson if he was thinking what Teegan was thinking. Tyson nodded in agreement. Teegan and Tyson encouraged Tana to meet Raylan, but with a condition—they insisted that they would join Kaia, Tana, Geo, and the others when they go to meet the merman.

Tana, contemplating the offer, finally agreed, realizing that facing Raylan with her pack by her side would provide some comfort. The Oakwood Pack, now united in their decision, prepared for the upcoming meeting with the mysterious merman.

The next morning in Oakwood Manor, Kaia was caught off guard by a video call from Kadon. He showed her a glimpse of Woodburge as they drove, then dropped the unexpected news that they were headed to Xyla, Kaia's mother's grave. Struggling not to wake Geo, Kaia hushedly expressed her frustration through the phone, questioning why they hadn't invited her along. Kadon explained they thought she was occupied with Geo, leaving Kaia hurt and teary-eyed.

As her father, Kristian, joined the call, Kaia couldn't contain her emotions. Tearfully, she asked, "How could you think I'd put Geo above my mom? I love Geo, and I thought you knew me better than this. I thought you were happy about my relationship?" Kristian sighed, acknowledging his happiness but expressing concern for Kaia's emotional well-being, especially with her birthday approaching. "I'm fine. I'm on my way."

With determination in her eyes, Kaia swiftly got ready, leaving a note for Geo explaining her sudden departure.
Kaia headed towards Woodburge, her paws swiftly covering the distance. The wind carried a mix of emotions as she approached the familiar town. The scent of the earth, the whispers of the trees—all familiar elements that connected her to her past.
As Kaia neared the cemetery, the memories of her mother flooded her mind. She recalled the gentle touch of Xyla, her mother's laughter, and the warmth of her embrace. The air seemed heavier as she approached the grave.
Kadon and Kristian stood there, flowers in hand, paying respects to the woman they both loved. Kaia's heart swirled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. She joined them, her human form walking beside them as they each laid a flower on the grave.
Silent, sacred moments passed as Kaia knelt at her mother's grave, the weight of emotions too profound for words. The gentle rustle of leaves, a distant bird's song, and the soft breeze became the backdrop to her silent communion with the past.
Tears rolled down Kaia's cheeks, mirroring her inner turmoil and deep longing for the woman who had shaped her life. She gazed at the engraved stone marker, the etched symbols catching her attention. Kaia traced the ancient symbols on her mother's gravestone, feeling a mysterious energy emanating from them. The etchings seemed to tell a story, a connection to something beyond the earthly realm.
As Kaia continued to investigate closer, she was soon brought back to reality as Kadon placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Kaia, we should head back," Kadon suggested gently, sensing the emotional weight Kaia carried.
Nodding, Kaia rose from her crouched position, casting one last glance at her mother's resting place. The symbols on the gravestone seemed to linger in her mind, echoing with untold secrets.
"Are you not heading to Geo's place?" Kadon inquired, questioning Kaia's decision as she explained that he was occupied at the moment, and she preferred some time alone. Kristian, her father, comprehended the need for solitude. Kaia settled into the passenger seat of her family car, steering toward her house in Woodburge. Upon reaching home, she retreated to her room, seeking isolation and a respite from the day's emotional weight.
In her room, Kaia's emotions swirled in a storm of conflicting feelings. The visit to her mother's grave had brought forth a flood of memories and emotions, and the weight of it all pressed on her. She couldn't shake the lingering sense of loss and the yearning for her mother's presence.

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