Chapter 8

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As Kaia stirred from her peaceful slumber, her gaze fell upon Geo, who had knelt beside her laying on the bed. His head rested where she had slept, and she couldn't resist the playful impulse to tease him awake.

Leaning in, she whispered into his ear, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. "Morning, Alpha. Did you sleep well in my spot?"

Geo, still in the embrace of sleep, groggily murmured a response, "Well enough, Luna. Your spot is quite comfortable."

A mischievous grin played on Kaia's lips as she continued her playful banter. "Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I should make it a regular thing. You know, Luna privileges."

The corners of Geo's lips twitched in a half-smile, a mix of amusement and sleepiness. "Luna privileges, huh? We'll see about that."

Just as their morning banter reached its peak, Xander and Clay appeared, witnessing the scene. They exchanged knowing glances, barely containing their laughter, before deciding to intervene.

"Breakfast is ready, Alpha, Luna. And, uh, the Elders will be arriving this afternoon," Xander informed, trying to maintain a neutral expression.

Clay added, "You might want to make your way to the dining area. The boys have prepared quite the spread."

Kaia, now fully awake, swiftly got ready, and as she tried to reach for a mug on a higher shelf, she found herself falling victim to her shorter stature. The boys seized the opportunity to tease her, and Geo couldn't help but join in the lighthearted banter.

"Need a hand, Luna?" Geo teased as Kaia shot him a playful glare.

"I can handle it just fine, thank you," she retorted, standing on her tiptoes but still unable to reach.

Xander, pretending to be oblivious, chimed in, "You know, Luna privileges might include a step stool." As the playful banter continued and Kaia found herself unable to reach the higher shelf for a mug, a mischievous glint entered her eyes. Remembering her newfound abilities, she decided to have a little fun.

With a subtle focus on the air around her, she summoned a gentle breeze. The invisible force wrapped around the mug on the shelf, lifting it effortlessly and bringing it into her waiting hand. A triumphant smile adorned Kaia's face as she laughed, reveling in the astonished expressions of Geo, Xander, and Clay.

"Seems Luna privileges do come with some perks," she quipped, holding the mug aloft as a symbol of her playful victory.

Geo chuckled, impressed by her quick thinking. "Well done, Luna. It seems you're adapting to your newfound powers quite efficiently."

Xander and Clay exchanged amused glances, acknowledging the unexpected twist in the morning's events. As they made their way to the breakfast table, the air around them buzzed with a sense of camaraderie and the shared delight of discovering the untapped potential within the realm of the Oakwood pack.

In the sacred tranquility of Oakwood's mystical woods, the morning unfolded with a shared breakfast among the pack. Geo, Kaia, and the seasoned pack members Xander and Clay gathered around a rustic table, the air rich with the aroma of the morning feast.

Amidst laughter and camaraderie, the decision ripened to delve into the heart of the ancient forest for a collective training session. The towering trees and ancient whispers welcomed them, promising revelations within the realm of their shared powers.

Leading the way, Geo turned to Kaia. "Let us reveal the extent of our abilities, Kaia. Though you already possess knowledge of our gifts, the woods hold a unique magic that amplifies our connection to Oakwood."

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