Chapter 17

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As the clock struck 11 pm, Kaia finally glanced at her phone, a wave of realization hitting her. She scrolled through Kadon's missed texts and voicemails, all filled with warm wishes for her birthday on September 26th. Her eyes widened as she muttered to herself, "September 26th... That was two months ago." A hint of guilt crept in, but she quickly shrugged it off, convincing herself that it wasn't important.

Without dwelling on it for long, she texted Kadon, "Thanks! I totally forgot about it but I appreciate it."

The next day, Kaia woke up with the sun casting a warm glow through her window. Unbeknownst to her, a plan was in motion, and her friends were busy preparing for a surprise party at Alicia's lake house.

Alicia coordinated the details with Kadon and Kristian, both of whom were excited about the surprise. The sun began its descent, casting vibrant hues across the sky as the party preparations reached their peak.

Geo, Xander, Dawn, Clay, Seraphina, Raylan, and the Fraser Triplets worked tirelessly to set up the bonfire, decorate the lakeside area, and ensure everything was perfect for Kaia. The air was filled with anticipation, and as evening fell, the group awaited Kaia's arrival.

Kaia, clueless about the impending surprise, received a text from Alicia, suggesting they spend the evening by the lake for some relaxation. Eager to unwind and reconnect with her distant friend, Kaia agreed, and they set off to the lake house.

As they arrived, the atmosphere was alive with the crackling bonfire, twinkling lights, and the laughter of friends. The moment Kaia stepped onto the lakeside, the Oakwood Pack members and her family erupted in a cheer. "Surprise!" they chorused, and Kaia's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the beautifully arranged setup.

Alicia, with a mischievous grin, approached Kaia. "Happy belated birthday!" she exclaimed, and Kaia's initial confusion gave way to sheer joy. Kadon and Kristian joined in the celebration, their presence adding to the warmth of the moment.

Geo stepped forward, a small gift in hand. "We couldn't let your birthday go unnoticed," he said with a smile. Kaia, touched by the gesture, unwrapped the gift to find a delicate necklace with an intricately crafted air symbol locket with an image inside of it

"Thank you, Geo," she expressed her gratitude, and he responded with a tender kiss.

Throughout the evening, laughter, music, and the crackling of the bonfire filled the air. The Oakwood Pack members, along with Alicia, Kadon and Kristian, celebrated Kaia's belated birthday, creating memories that would linger in their hearts.

As the night wore on, Kaia couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected surprise and the genuine connections she had formed with her friends and pack members.

As the night unfolded with laughter and music, Kaia couldn't escape the lingering shadows of her past. The bonfire's flickering flames cast a dance of light and shadows on her face, revealing a mixture of emotions that she struggled to conceal.

While the celebration was a joyous occasion, it also served as a bittersweet reminder of the family she had lost. She exchanged smiles with her friends, but a part of her heart yearned for the presence of her late mother, Xyla. The air carried an undercurrent of melancholy as the flames reflected the complexity of Kaia's emotions.

In a quiet moment by the lakeside, Geo noticed the subtle shift in Kaia's demeanor handing her a piece of cake on a plate. "Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his eyes.

Kaia met his gaze, her smile masking the inner turmoil. "I am, Geo. It's just... birthdays tend to bring back memories."

He wrapped his arms around her, offering silent comfort. The crackling of the bonfire seemed to echo the crack in Kaia's heart, a reminder of the losses that lingered in the background of celebration.

As the night continued, Geo remained a steady presence by Kaia's side, understanding that even amidst the festivities, some wounds took time to heal. The bonfire's warmth contrasted with the cool breeze that carried the weight of Kaia's unspoken pain.
Kristian approached Kaia, a small box in his hands. "Your mother wanted you to have this when you were ready," he said, his voice carrying a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow. Inside the box was a delicate ring, its design reflecting an intricate blend of elegance and sentiment.

As Kaia delicately placed the ring on her finger, a sudden rush of images overwhelmed her. The scene unfolded like a haunting memory, revealing Xyla's last moments. The shock of the unexpected vision struck Kaia as tears ran down her face.
Gasps rippled through the crowd, and Geo immediately tightened his hold on Kaia, concern etched across his face. "Kaia, what happened? Are you okay?" he asked urgently, wiping away his mate's tears.

Kaia caught her breath, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames. "I... I'm fine. It's just..." She hesitated, swallowing the truth that threatened to escape, her eyes flickering back and forth between the pack and her family members. "Just a weird moment. I'm okay now." Kaia said as she forced a smile.

The weight of the secret she had learned lingered in her mind, overshadowed by the festivities that continued around them. As Kaia masked her inner turmoil with a smile, the bonfire's glow reflected the complexities of the past, present, and the hidden truths that intertwined their lives.

The night wore on, the bonfire gradually dwindling as the celebration came to an end. Geo and Kaia exchanged glances, their shared secret adding a layer of complexity to the festivities.
As Kristian walked back toward Woodburge, a malicious smile crept onto his face. The shadows cast by the moon accentuated the subtle shift in his demeanor. Kadon, noticing his father's strange behavior, trailed behind in silence, his instincts alert to the unusual atmosphere.

The journey back to Woodburge was punctuated by the crackling of leaves beneath their feet, the silence between father and son laden with unspoken tension. Kadon couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, but for now, he held his questions, awaiting the right moment to unravel the mysteries that seemed to cling to the night air.

In the hushed aftermath of the bonfire celebration, Kaia pulled Alicia aside, a sense of urgency etched on her face. With a deep breath, she shared the haunting vision the ring had unveiled—the last moments of her mother, Xyla, and Kristian's role in her tragic end.
Kaia, her voice a low whisper, turned to Alicia. "I need you to watch my dad closely. Something's not right." Alicia nodded solemnly, her keen fae senses attuned to the mystical currents that often eluded others.

Turning to Geo, Kaia's eyes sought reassurance. "I want to go home." Geo, though concerned, met Kaia's gaze with unwavering determination.
"Of course, my Luna." He said as they parted with Alicia who went in the direction of Woodburge and made their way back to Oakwood Manor.

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