Chapter 14

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The night hung heavy with a myriad of emotions in the Callisto household. As dawn broke, casting a soft glow through the curtains, a new chapter unfolded, bringing with it a mixture within the hearts of those dwelling beneath its roof.
In the depths of her restless slumber, Kaia found herself wandering through the Oakwood, the familiar tranquility replaced by an eerie stillness. The air crackled with an unnatural tension as shadows danced among the ancient trees. The once vibrant foliage now wore a foreboding hue, casting unsettling shadows on the forest floor.

As she ventured deeper, a distant rumble echoed through the air, gradually intensifying into the roar of an approaching inferno. The flames erupted, consuming the trees in a relentless blaze. The enchanted forest, a sanctuary to Oakwood
Kaia's sudden, agonized scream shattered the quiet, prompting Dawn, who slept beside her, and Geo and Xander, along with Clay, to rush to her side. The soft glow of the alarm clock on Kaia's dresser revealed the time—4:37 am.

In the dim light, urgency marked Kaia's expression as she implored the Oakwood pack members to return to Oakwood immediately. Her serious gaze held a weight that demanded their attention. Geo, trusting Kaia's instincts, sought a plan for a discreet exit without triggering the alarm system.

Kaia, contemplating, proposed a diversion: taking her dog out for a walk, citing their bathroom needs. However, a lingering concern surfaced—how to clandestinely escort Xander, Geo, and Dawn out. It was then that Dawn, with a hint of mystery in her eyes, offered a solution. She suggested using her elf abilities to alter their sizes. Surprise filled the room as Kaia nodded in agreement, stating, "That should work."

Dawn took Xander's hand, who in turn held onto Geo's, creating a chain as they prepared for the size transformation. Meanwhile, Clay, ever elusive, chose to become invisible. Kaia, with a small cross-body purse in hand, directed the now smaller Geo, Xander, and Dawn to climb inside. She secured the purse and, with a determined resolve, opened the door.

Just as they were about to slip outside, Clay hurriedly ran out, assuming his wolf form. The commotion caught the attention of Kaia's father, Kristian, who descended the stairs, questioning the unfolding situation. "Just walking the dog," Kaia replied, gripping the crossbody purse tightly. Groggily, Kristian allowed her to proceed, and as Kaia made her way out, he reset the alarm system, returning to his room.

As Kaia entered the woods across the street from her house, a swift transformation took hold, and she morphed into her wolf form. The crossbody bag dangled from her jaw as Geo, Xander, and Dawn urgently pleaded with her to slow down. They journeyed through the woods until they reached the entrance of the enchanted forest.

Kaia gently placed the bag down beneath the sprawling branches of the Destiny Tree. Geo and Xander carefully crawled out, both looking a bit queasy, with Xander succumbing to a bout of nausea, prompting him to vomit. Meanwhile, Dawn elegantly emerged, fixing her hair as she allowed her elf ears to return to their normal state.

Clay materialized next to Kaia, both transforming back into their human forms as the once-miniaturized trio—Geo, Xander, and Dawn—reverted to their normal sizes. The forest stood witness to the magical transformation unfolding beneath its ancient canopy.
Geo's keen eyes caught sight of a large red bird soaring in the sky, seemingly bringing the sun closer as it descended. The fiery phoenix approached with a majestic presence, flying above the Destiny Tree. "Are you the Alpha of the Oakwood Pack?" echoed the resonant voice of the phoenix, its fiery gaze fixed on Geo.

"Yes. I am Geo Damaris, Alpha of Oakwood Pack," Geo responded, bowing his head in reverence to the ethereal creature. As the phoenix gracefully landed, it surveyed the other lycans around Geo, who quickly followed suit by bowing their heads. Yet, amidst the respectful gesture, Kaia diverged from the norm and approached the Phoenix directly.

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