Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

~*~*~*~* Paige’s POV ~*~*~*~*

I woke up to find a note saying that my mum had already left for work again, and that Steve and his three children would be coming around for dinner. Oh. Just fan-fucking-tastic. Because I really need to have the three of them on my back.

Dickface was about 11 years old, but Steve had another two children. He had a daughter (Who we shall name slut for now) who’s about 19, and another son who’s 21 or something. I haven’t seen a whole lot of his other son, but he’s mean to me too. Slut, on the other hand… She stole my make-up. And I don’t mean that she stole one of my lipsticks and I’m freaking out about it, or that she borrowed it and just hasn’t given it back yet… No. I mean she stole all of my eye shadows, my nail polish, and my lipstick. I was pretty much just left with natural colours and my foundation. I didn’t even have mascara!

I’ve told Steve too, who told me not to lie about it.

I told you, no-one cares about my opinion or feelings here. Why would I lie about something like that? All I wanted was for him to tell her to give me my make-up back… Well, maybe more then tell her. Telling her probably wouldn’t get her to give it back to me. I just wanted it back. I didn’t have a lot of stuff, so it kind of breaks my heart that they’re taking it from me.

I sighed, not a whole lot of use crying over something that’s not going to change. Trust me, I would know. Life sucks, but I don’t really have a choice but to move on. If I pretend to be happy enough, eventually I can just convince myself that I’m happy, right? That’s how it works in the movies, anyway.

I shrugged it off as I started up my computer. Let’s actually get this done today. I had classes that I needed to catch up too, today’s and yesterday’s classes that I haven’t done. Plus assignments. That’s the thing about online school, because you don’t know the teachers and they don’t know you, you can’t get out of doing homework or tests or assignments. And they always set them because it’s the only way that they can figure out how you’re going with work, I guess.

It also means that I don’t have anyone to ask for help. I do have some friends here in Pennsylvania. A girl called Reilli. She was really pretty, but we also tended to fight half of the time instead of being friends. Then there was Nathan… Key word WAS. We kind of had a thing going, but he was an asshole to me and I finally managed to kick him out of my life.

It was horribly painful, my first taste of heart break. But I managed to plough through it. Neither of them were particularly smart though, so they weren’t any help with the work that I didn’t understand. I usually just asked Jazz, Adam or Ben to help me out. They were a lot more patient with me then the other kids that I had studied with previously too.

Anyway, back to Nathan. Not having him around did suck, because it mean that I got less hugs, and I didn’t have anyone to scare away the creepy juvenile kids. You know, the boys that just don’t get the hint. You tell them they don’t like you, so they shove their tongue down your throat. Just lovely, isn’t it? NOT.

I signed into Skype and let it run in the background as I worked through my lessons. Most of it was pretty easy, but then again I might be bias because I heard what the others in Australia had to do at school… Nasty… I shuddered, thinking about math equations. If I was there, my math teacher would follow me home and think of all creepy ways to get revenge on me for my horrible work. I giggled at the thought of it, before continuing to work through my classes.

Soon, I got a noise indicating that someone had messaged me.

“Oh!” I exclaimed out loud “ADAAAAMMM!!” What? He’s my favourite guy, okay. Don’t diss.

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