Chapter 4

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His kiss were feather light and sweet. He broke the kiss first. He helped me get up from my feet. I cant help myself but blushed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he said awkwardly. "What do you mean by that?" My eyebrows furrowed confused by his statement. "I ugh, didn't mean to kiss you" he said while fidgeting his hands. "Of course you did freak". "Jupiter I" I didn't let him finished his statement I shoved him away and I walked faster than usual. I went to the powder room and tried to take deep breathes. One thing I hate about myself is that whenever I get too exicted, mad and pissed I hyperventilate. I put my hand in my chest trying to calm myself. Luckily I saw Jane on the bar getting some drinks. "Where have you been? I was looking for you" I said dramatically. "I was on the garden talking on the phone with my boss and I was really pissed. Then I saw this hot guy who turns out to be the vocalist of the band who's going to play later tonight. And guess what?" "What?" "He asked me on a date and I said yes" she grabbed both of my hands and sighed dreamily. "Wow congratulations bae". "Why do I have this feeling that you're not happy for me?". "What kind of thinking is that? I am you're best friend and right now I'm happy because you're happy. I mean not that happy until I meet that boyband hottie". "So how does he taste like?" "Excuse me? I slightly choked on my drinks. "You're a horrible liar my best friend. Everyone saw you and the guy from the bar kissed. Even your parents saw it" she said casually as she grabbed her drink and finish it half way through. "Are you deaf? I said everyone saw you kissed" she said casually. "I saw my dad making his way to me so I ordered another frozen margarita from the bar. Oh my I'm busted".

"Jupiter can you come with me for a moment I need to talk to you in private" my dad called me out and I followed him in a private room near the backstage. I dont likethe the feeling of this. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked innocently. "What were you thinking?" "Dad I don't understand what you mean?" "You kissed one of my clients in front of everyone we know. You just met the guy a few minutes ago" he preached."Dad I bumped into him and I almost trip on the floor so he held me by my waist and our lips accidentally landedon each other" I replied in defense. He sighed deeplt and guilt creeps up inside me. I held his hand. "I'm sorry dad please don't ruin your day because of me". "Alright I'll let this one pass but please kitten don't just go around kissing every guy you meet" I nodded.

The night goes by so fast it's already midnight and I'm kinda tipsy from drinking mixed drinks from the bar. I saw Mr. Vanderholt approaching me I tried not to look drunk. "Mr. Vanderholt I'm just waiting for you so that I can say goodbye" I hiccuped. "Mr. Ransick you seemed to have too many drinks. Do you have a driver? He asked politely. "Nope I can still drive Sir". "I don't think so. You can stay in one of the guest rooms" he insisted. "Sir I'm good I can still drive". "You stubborn young man you remind me a lot of me when I was young. Come along" he snapped his fingers signalling me to follow him.

I just finished taking a shower and I quickly get into my pyjamas. The light is calling me once I lay down on my comfortable bed in my old room. As soon as my back hit the soft matress my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

Mr. Vanderholt opened a door to what seems like the guest room. "You can stay here for tonight son". "Thank you sir I really appreciate you're hospitality". As soon as I lay down on the bed my eye closed and I fell in dream land. At three in the morning I woke up because of my secretary's phone call. I felt really thirsty and my head hurts like it was smashed by a wrecking ball. I made my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and was pissed when I cant remeber the way to the guest room. I made my way upstairs and find an empty room. I put the bottle on the beside table. I lay down quickly and I felt a soft pillow which is really huge I hugged it and last thing I know I was dreaming about a beautiful girl.

"Jupiter honey get up now or youre going to be missing your flight" my mom called out. "I'll be down in a minute mom". My legs are numbed and it seems like someone is is snoring I opened my eyes and screamed in surprised. "What are you doing here?" I kicked him and punched him but he sleeps like a bear hybernating. I screamed again and this time I called my father's attention. He bust the door and looked horrified when he saw me with Jenno on a bed. "Shhhh can't you see im still sleeping" Jenno said in a sleepy voice and he lay me back oon the bed and hugged me and kissed my forehead.


Uh oh someone's in trouble.
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