Chapter 5

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Jupiter Freya!" What on earth are you two doing in the same bed? My dad scolded. "And you young man I let you sleep in my house, I treated you like my son and this is how you repay me? I can hear hurt and betrayal on his voice. "Jenno rubbed his eyes still not knowing what is actually happening. "Dad it's not what you think. Let me explain" I said in defense. "You better have a good reason" he said in finality. "I'll see you two downstairs in five minutes" he walked away slamming the door.
"Good morning" he greeted me as if nothing happened. "There's nothing good about the morning! I half shouted and sob. "I'm sorry! You know this house is quite big and I went downstairs last night to get a bottle of water and I kind of got lost and this is the nearest unoccupied room I saw last night. I was had too many drinks than planned so I lay down not realizing that we are on the same bed he explained rubbing his temples. "You better explained everything to my father in details and he might forgive you and you can stay alive". He looked dashing even if he just woke up his lips red and his right eyebrows rose. "I'm sorry for ruining your day let's go down stairs and let's not make them wait' he said pulling off the comforter. "Wait up do you really want to talk to my father shirtless?" Eyebrows raised I opened the door that leads to the walk in closet I've used when I was younger. I tried to look for a shirt that would fit him. Luckily I was able to get an oversized tee that has Britney Spears face and signature on it. This would work I talked to myself. Here you can borrow this I threw the shirt in his direction and he catches the shirt effortless. "Good reflexes'" I praised him. We made our way on the foyer and I can see him occasionally staring at me. "What? I asked him getting a little irritated with the situation. "Nothing" he said. We walked in silence
I waited patiently on the dining table. I can't believe my one and only daughter can do that to me. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. I shake my head in disappointment. "Daddy, let me explain everything okay". It's really not a big deal you know" I shrugged my shoulders and take my seat in the dining room where breakfast is being served. "Mr. Vanderholt let me explain what happened" he said after taking the seat parallel to mine. "I woke up at three in the morning and I was so thirsty. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. When I went upstairs I realized I was lost so I opened the nearest door to me. I didn't notice that it was her room until earlier" he explained. "Boys let's eat our breakfast shall we" my mom always an angel in disguise saved me from that awkward moment. We finished our breakfast quietly which is not so normal. My dad asked Jenno to talk in private so here I am frustrated on what they're going to talk about. So I started to eavesdrop for a little while. I startled when my dad suddenly pushed the door open. "Jupiter can you stop acting like a child" my dad scolded me. My eyes started to well up so I blink my eyes many times to stop the tears from falling. I stood there for a little while and I didn't notice that Jenno came back. "I'm sorry! I didn't know he would react that way". The tear that I'm trying to hide falls freely on my cheeks. I am so mad right now. He embraced me and kept saying sorry but I'm so upset and pissed. I pushed him and I made my way to my bedroom. I saw him following me so I quickly closed the tear but he was able to get in.

"Get the hell out of here!" I yelled and tried to push him away but failed miserably he's too strong. "Okay I'm going to leave but please let's talk and let me in." I sighed in defeat and I opened the door for him. "There's nothing to talk about damages are done". He looked straight in to my eyes and I can see guilt and sincerity. "I'm sorry I know I should have been much more responsible when drinking. I swear that I didn't touch you. I'm sorry". "Get the hell out". I slammed the door and locked it. I jumped on my bed and screamed. I am so pissed.

A week after the incident I went back to my apartment and dad won't still talk to me. I'm twenty five years old but he treats me like I'm sixteen. Ugh why does it have to be like this? This is his entire fault ugh. I would never ever want to cross paths with that psycho. I turned my laptop on and poured some coffee on my mug to get my daily doze of caffeine. My phone buzzed reminding me that I need to take a shower two minutes from now. I grabbed my towel and showered quickly I don't want to be late on a Monday. I don't have much time to prepare for work. I dressed up quickly I wore a short sleeves royal blue dress that ends mid thigh. I put my hair in a high pony tail and curled the ends of my hair and wore black pumps to finish my look. I grabbed my laptop and blazer and made my way down the basement. "Good morning Ms. Vanderholt" Gracie the receptionist greeted me. "Morning and you can call me Jupiter" I said smiling at her while waiting for the elevator. I pressed twenty fifth. I walked through the office and Jane my best friend and secretary gave me paper works that I need to review and sign. I opened my office and I was shocked when there are exaggerated amount of flowers. "Jane who brought these flowers?" I called her out. "Oh that" she smirked playfully. "That came from lover boy. He gave me this and said that you must read this as soon as you got in" she handed me a white envelope with my name on it.
I dropped my keys on the table along with my bag. I sat on my chair and tear the envelope.

Dear Jupiter,
First please accept the flowers that I've sent because they smell just like you .I want to apologize for what happened. I know you're mad at me so let me make it up to you. I will pick you up at seven in the evening. Let's go somewhere nice.
-J.R. Ransick

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