Chapter 6

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I smiled at the thought that the arrogant bastard can be really sweet. I chuckled when I saw that he included his phone number on the bottom of the page. I shook my head in glee. I put the letter into the envelope and put it in the drawer. I will call him later I thought to myself.

I started reading the paper works before signing it. I am almost finished reviewing one of the new projects that has been submitted by one of the employee when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and the number is unknown. I pressed answer. "Hello, who is this?" I asked in curiosity. "I hoped you liked the flowers. I'm not sure what is you're favorite so I kind of bought everything" a deep velvet like voice said. "Thank you I love them they're gorgeous". "Well I called you because I was thinking that maybe you threw the flowers away and ripped the letter into pieces. It is good to hear that you liked them" I can hear him smile over the phone. "Though you gave me a good idea onhiow to dispose it" I made an evil laugh. "So about tonight I'll pick you up seven pm sharp" he said with enthusiasm. "Yeah sure and oh do I need to wear anything fancy?" I asked. Who wants to look under dress or overdressed on their first date right I thought to myself. "Casual clothes will do". "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see". I was about to ask him something when he hanged up. Gosh people these days don't even know to say goodbye properly. I shook my head and get back to work. It was almost lunch when Jane called me to remind me about the meeting for our new project. "I'll be there in five" I replied.

I brought the folders and my laptop to the conference room. "Good morning gentleman" I greeted everyone before setting up the system. "Uncle John I didn't know you're back. It was so nice to see you" I hugged him in excitement. He is my father's younger brother. "It's nice to see you again kitten". Our sweet reunion was interrupted by an alpha male which is also known as my father. No were not werewolves but you would surely agree with me once you've known him. "Hi dad" I greeted him and kissed him on his cheeks but he just nodded. He's still disappointed and upset I sighed deeply. Knowing him for twenty five years I gave him the space that he needed. Hours passed by and it's already five o clock. I packed my things and grabbed my keys and locked the office door.

"Hey bae me and the team will have a drink before we go home would you like to come?' she asked. "Um sure" I agreed as I still have a free time before dinner. I send Jenno a quick text message.

Hi, this is Jupiter you can pick me up at Guilly's. That's three blocks away from the office.

We were on the elevator when my phone buzzed. Jane shot me a glare so I opened the text message.

Are you seriously going to drink when you promised me a date?

Yes but it's not like I'm gonna get drunk and pass out.. I don't owe you an explanation. :P

Don't go anywhere I'm on way there.

Are you kidding me?

No. I'm a serious kind of a guy.

Shut up! :P

"What"? I squealed while Jane pulled out my phone from my hand. "Hey" I got my phone back. "Oh my gosh. You do have a date" Jane screamed while reading our conversation on my phone. "Ugh yeah" I said hesitantly. Is that with the guy that you kissed on your father's birthday? She teased. "Jane for goodness sake shut up". "There's nothing wrong with kissing a guy you love and a guy who loves you" she wiggled her eyebrows teasing me. "How can I love him I just met the guy not more than ten days ago". "You'll never know." She slaps my ass and kissed me on the cheeks. "Bye lover girl you're dream guy is waiting for you" she whispered. I turned my face on the door and there. I saw him standing high and almighty beside his black SUV. I rolled my eyes. I kissed Jane goodbye and I made my way out. "You have got to be kidding me" I blurt out as I cross my arms on my chest eyebrows raised. "What are you doing here? Our date is not until seven" I said checking my watch. "Is that the way you greet a friend?" he said while putting his hand on his chest making a fake hurt. I rolled my eyes in the most exaggerated way. "Come along, hop on" he opened the passengers seat for me and then closed the door. I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. "Where are we going?' I asked. "You really are impatient". "And so I was told" a playful smirk made it's way across my face. We didn't travel too long we reached our destination. It's a high class restaurant which is located in the middle of the city. He walked through the passenger's side and opened my door. Being the perfect gentleman he is he offered his hand. I didn't hesitate to put my hand on his. He put his hand on my waist so I gave a confused look though he doesn't seem to care. "Good evening Mr. Ransick I didn't know you'll arrive sooner" the guy which seems to be the manager said. I bet he already had reservations I thought to myself. "Please follow me" the manager said. Jenno pulled the chair for me. "Thank you" I said. "What would you like to have?"he asked while I'm still looking at the menu. "I will have a Californian Maki wrap with wasabe and mayo and mango crepe with strawberry ice cream for dessert" I stated. "I didn't know you like Japanese food" he said a little amused. "I don't like them I'm obsessed with them I said dreamily like I hadn't had a taste for years. "And what's with mango crepe with strawberry ice cream?" He commented. "Nothing they just taste so good together". He ordered a steak and red wine.

"So tell something about yourself" I asked him. "Well I am Jenno Richard Ransick but everyone calls me Jenno". "Don't be silly ofand course I already know that part. Come on let's be serious now" I rolled my eyes at him. "Well what do you want to know" he asked. "What do you do? Tell me what's your family like" I asked excitedly. "Mainly I just put my signature in a piece of paper". "Ugh can you be anymore serious?" I rolled my eyes as I took a sip if water. "Not if you wouldn't stop rolling your eyes at me". "Oh my gosh Jupiter is that you?" A familiar voice asked. I turned to look at him. Omfg!

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