Chapter 12

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He insisted to pay for the summer dress that I picked and he didn't let me leave without buying a pair of bathing suit. I also bought a denim shorts and tank top and paired it with flip-flops. I am so embarrassed. I don't like it when people buy me things. This is not how I pictured my weekend. I would usually bake and pigged out. This is something new. "Next time were going out let me pack my things". He just nodded. We made our way to the parking lot and reached his car. "Can I drive?" I looked at him with puppy dog's eye and pouted my lips. Pretty please. He sighed in defeat. Thank you! I got the keys from his hand and gave him a peck on his cheeks. I sat on the driver's seat excitedly and put my seat belt on. He opened the passenger's seat and turned the radio on. Buckle up. "Jupiter, slow down I swear I'm not going to let you drive even your own car". We made it home safely. "Baby are you okay? I asked him innocently. "Yeah I think I'm going to puke". I suddenly felt guilty so I moved a little bit closer and gave him a peck on his cheeks. "Better?" he nodded. He helped me put the shopping bags into the room where I slept in. Ellie came running towards me and hugged my feet. "Awe you cute little thing". I lift her up and carry her upstairs. "Mommy, are you going to stay?" "I sure will". "Yeah" she made a fist pump and kissed me all over the face. "Will you come and swim with us? We will go to the beach together with granny and my cousins" she said enthusiastically. Yeah I bought a swimsuit. She jumped up and down on the bed. Be careful baby you might get sick and you won't be able to swim. She looked at me with confusion. Someone knocked on the door and I was about to open it when she run and opened the door. "Daddy, daddy mommy is going with us to the beach". Ellie said excitedly. Yep she will and you need to pack your things so we can go we have thirty minutes to prepare. Oh she said and runaway to her room. "Hey, do you have a backpack or something so that I can put my things?" "Yeah let me get it for you". He moved closer and he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back it felt so good to have someone make you feel that you are valuable and safe. "Thank you" for what? I asked. Thank you for accepting Ellie as your own. At first, I was afraid that you would not accept her. Now I can't even believe that you're spending the weekend with us. "Awe that's nothing I always keep an open mind and beside who doesn't like kids? We stared at each other and there's like a sudden pull of electricity making me want to move closer and close the gap between us. He touched my cheeks and it only intensified the sensation that I'm feeling our lips touched and I was suddenly drawn into sweet serendipity. I pulled away when I felt someone staring at us. "Granny I saw mommy kissing daddy" she yelled. I blushed crimson red. "Okay I'm going to get the bag," he said. I swear I saw him blushed. A smile creeps it's way to my face.

The beach was two hours away from their house. I wore a red strapless bikini and paired it with a denim shorts. I wore a tank top to cover my torso I don't like the feeling of being exposed to young kids while traveling. We made it to the beach by lunch. I started to unpack the food from the picnic baskets Chad mom was telling stories about how Chad loves the beach when someone tugged my hands. "Mommy, can we swim now?" Ellie pouted her lips hands on her waist. I was amazed on how she looked like her father. "Not yet baby we need to eat our lunch first" I pinched her nose and started to unpack. "Well then can I eat now?" she pleaded. "Okay what do you want to eat?" I asked. "Spaghetti and meatballs" she clapped her hands. I put some spaghetti on her plate and water on a glass. I haven't seen Chad since we arrived my eyes roamed the beach.

"Looking for me?" he gave me a peck on my cheeks. "Yes, I was looking for you because I'm starving and I don't want to eat alone" I rolled my eyes at hm. "I'm sorry I need to take an important call". I sighed in defeat we started to eat our lunch along with his family. "Mommy, can I go now? Please" Ellie pleaded. This child is gonna be the death of me. "Alright but first let me put some sunblock on you I don't you're your skin to burn" she held my hand and together we made our way to the shore. I was surprised when Ellie dived into the water. Wow she sure is a swimmer.

I started preparing food for us and I called out Ellie. They were making sand castle near the shore. "Come on babe I'm starving" I pouted my lips rubbing my stomach. He gave me a quick peck on my cheeks and he went to get Ellie.

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