Three: Hayden Alvarez 🔪

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I sat in class and I can't even think straight.

I kept on staring at Thalia's empty seat and felt terrified.

I thought about my sister and how I was young enough to bury her.

I can still remember her voice telling me she'll never leave my side.

I tried so hard to forget about her...

But this... This fucking incident is a reminder.

I'm so deep in my head that I didn't even notice everyone calling me.

"Mr. Alvarez"

"Shit, I'm sorry what?" I looked so confused as I snapped myself back to reality.

"It's your turn now... The authorities will just ask some questions" Mrs. Santi smiled.

I got up from my chair and followed the cops to the Guidance Counselor's office.

"Don't worry, you're safe here" One of the cop smiled.

They opened the door for me and I entered the office.

I saw Thalia's dad and I saw the anger on his face.

I mean I can't blame him... He lost his daughter.

I sat on a chair in front of him and without any emotions he started asking.

"Where were you last night?" He asked.

"I was in my room" I politely answered.

"Was that before or after midnight?"

"After school we had glee club, before midnight we were rehearsing for the school production of Heathers: The Musical... And after Midnight I was in my room with Chad"

"Where were you at Midnight?"

"Still in my room... Had to do my chemistry homework... You can ask my dad he saw me the whole time" I tried to smile.

But the Sheriff's glare doesn't really make you comfortable.

"Chad told me that you have a note from the killer? Can I see it?" Mrs. Benson our guidance counselor asked.

"Oh... I'm not really sure if it's from the killer"

"SHOW US!!" The Sheriff raised his voice and hit the table so hard every one of us flinched.

I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to them.

The Sheriff read the note and his expression softened.

"Where did you find this?" He asked.

"My room"

"You sleep with your windows open?"

"Well the weather-"

"Yes or no?"

"Yes" I sighed.

"Always lock your windows okay?"

"Yes Sheriff"

"This Chad... Is he your boyfriend?"

I took a deep breath and my mouth started to shake when I answered.

"No... He's my... He's my best friend why?" I tried to smile.

"He begged us to protect you" One of the cops answered.

The Sheriff looked at his colleagues and pointed at me.

"Keep an extra eye on him, he's the target... For the reasons we don't know and we'll still investigate" The Sheriff demanded.

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