Fourteen: Annalise Green 🔪

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I heard a noise downstairs so I paused the movie I'm watching.

It's almost dark and Chad didn't reply to all of my text messages yet.

"Mom?" I asked.

I took a deep breath as I slowly got out of my room.

My heart started to race as I looked around and everything was dark.

What is going on??

I kept my lips from trembling as I turned my phone flashlight.

I gasped in shock as I saw what looked like a blood on the floor.

There's a trail of blood leading me somewhere like there's a body that's been dragged in that direction.

My hands started shaking as I followed the trail and it lead me to the backyard.

My jaw dropped as I focused the light at the branches of the tree.

I screamed on top of my lungs as I saw my mom hanging on the tree with rope around her neck and her guts hanging outside her stomach.

"Mom!! No mom!!" I cried.

"What's going on??"

I turned around saw one of the security, Randy, running towards me.

He paused as he looked up and saw my mom's dead body hanging from the tree.

"What the fuck?" He looked at it in shock.

I looked behind him and saw a figure standing behind.

"Randy look out!" I screamed.

But the killer raised his knife and stabbed the security on his neck and took the knife out.

Blood started gushing out of Randy's neck.

He fell into the ground twitching as the killer continued stabbing him all over his body and ripped his side open.

"NO!!!" I screamed.

The killer got up and tilted his head and pointed his knife at me.

He stood under the moonlight making  his white smiley face mask more terrifying than it already was.

His black full body hooded cloak made him look like the grim ripper itself.

He started charging towards me and I screamed on top of my lungs as I ran away from him.

I got back inside the house and I hid under the kitchen counter and I stayed quiet as I heard his footsteps growing closer and closer to me.

I looked around for a possible weapon to use against him and all I could see are frying pans and spatulas and kitchenwares.

I quietly opened the knife drawer to see if I could get a weapon there.

Suddenly a stinging pain hit my hand and I screamed in agony as I tried to move my hand but I couldn't.

The knife the killer used to stab me went through the table pinning me on it.

"FUCK!!!" I screamed.

With all my force I punched the killer and pulled the knife out.

I screamed on top my life as I felt the blade slipping flesh making a stinging tingling sensation that's killing you.

I tried to wave the knife at him scaring him away but he was more determined to stab me.

"GO AWAY!!" I cried.

I held the knife tight and I ran towards our parking lot and got inside one of the automatic cars.

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