Ten: Britney Reinhart 🔪

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I am not a killer but don't push me.

Annalise was getting on my nerves lately and is it because the "A" in her name stands for Annoying or was it just a coincidence.

I sat in front of Hayden who was drinking coffee with me.

"Annalise should've been the one who fucking died" I rolled my eyes.


"What? She's fucking annoying"

"No one wanted anyone to die Britney"

"You're too nice Hayden" I sighed.

"I just want this shit to be over"

"Yeah, it'll be over if the goddamn serial killer kills you" I frowned.

"What if I'm gonna let him kill me" He sighed.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I glared at Hayden.

"If I am the target of this shit and he's just gonna kill everyone if he can't kill me... Then maybe I would just offer myself... Innocent people are dying Britney"

"Calm down bitch, you're not Jesus... He's probably just gonna kill again if he kills you"

"I doubt it"

"Why is he after you anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know... Maybe I did something back then? I can't remember... I was just a kid"

The door of the cafe opened and my blood started to boil as Annalise entered the cafe.

"Urgh! the Holy Spirit better possess me right now or I'll be the next murderer and murder this bitch" I glared at Annalise who just flipped her and smirked at me like her brother didn't just die because of her.

"Brit... Violence is never the answer" Hayden chuckled.

"Just say the word and this bitch will leave this cafe in a wig"

Annalise finished her order and smiled as she walked towards us.

"Hey guys!" She smiled.

"Hey" Hayden smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" I glared at her.

"Why so hostile Britney?" She smirked.

"You know, you're lucky I wasn't the killer who shook the ladder because if it was me I would've made sure you're the one who fell" I smirked.

"How do we know it wasn't you Britney? I mean how did you know there was a ladder involved?"

"I told her" Hayden smiled.

"Uhm... Hayden... Guess what I did last night?" Annalise said it excitedly.

"Annalise can you stop?!" I raised my voice in frustration.

"Last time I checked you're not Hayden"

"Okay, guys don't make a scene in the cafe"

"Hayden... Stop being nice and let me slap this whore"

"Wow Britney, slut shaming much? I thought you're supposed to be a girl's girl? Your followers would not love what you project right now" Annalise chuckled.

"Okay, Annalise... What do you want?" I could tell that Hayden was already frustrated but still managed to keep his composure.

"Guess what I did last night?" She smiled widely.

"What?" Hayden sighed.

"Chad... I did Chad, he fucked me last night" Annalise squealed in delight.

"Congratulations" Hayden tried to smile but you could hear the brokenness of his voice.

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