Twelve: Chad Maxwell 🔪

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"Oh my gosh! We have to stop here!" Britney smiled at me as she pointed at the flower shop.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You my dear best friend are gonna be buying Hayden a flower"


She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the flower shop.

"These are beautiful!" Britney smiled as she looked around the flower shop.

"Yeah they are" I smiled.

"Look!" Britney smiled as she handed me a bunch of violet flowers that looked like they grew from the same stem together.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A flower duhh" She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah... But what kind? It's beautiful" I smiled.

"It's a hyacinth"

"Also a beautiful name"

"You know, in the Greek Mythology... The God Apollo fell in love with a guy and his name is Hyacinthus... He named this flower after him"

"Why? did he die?" I joked which made her chuckle.

"Yes, but that's not the point" She frowned.

"What's the point then?" I smirked.

"The point is, even Gods are romantic" Britney smiled dreamily.

She's right...

Telling someone you love them is very different from making someone feel that you love them.

Feeling something has more impact than just hearing it.

You can lie to someone and tell them you love them and not even feel that way at all...

You just want them to feel better.

But that's deception... And that's cruel.

I looked at Britney and her violet ribbon that's perfectly clipped to her beautiful blonde hair.

And my heart started beating with guilt.

"Hey Brit" I sighed.


"I'm sorry"

"Uhm... For what? Because if someone needs to apologize, it should be me for almost getting us killed at the library" She smirked.

"I'm sorry if It felt like I was leading you on before... I didn't mean to make you feel like an object"

"Wait, are you talking about the booty call?" She chuckled.

"Look, I understand if you're upset about it"

"I'm not upset about it"

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"Chad... You're hot, and your dick is addicting, and you're good especially doing missionary... But I don't like you that way"

"Yeah, I know... And I respect that... But you know, when girls are being used they feel dirty and insecure about themselves"

"Not me, I'm hot"


"If you're worried that I'll feel like a slut... Chad, I am... I suck dick when I'm bored... What's wrong with that?"

"Uhm... What?"

"If it's any consolation... I was using you too... Feel better?" She smiled.


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