f i f t y - s e v e n

22 9 0

Athena Jones
A week later

It was over. My dad was gone. They were burying him right in front of my eyes, my tears won't stop, as Hazel's holding me close, with, Willam, Dahlia and Blaise standing besides me.

My hand was wrapped around Hazel's arm, she's trying to comfort me, my mother's standing with my aunt, she isn't crying, she looks sad, devastated but she isn't crying, like my aunt is at loss of his brother. Jules is holding onto my aunt, she had been crying too

The day was cloudy just like the weather, I can hear wind chimes in the distance and the sound of a shovel hitting the ground as my dad's coffin is slowly buried into the ground.

No one's talking, it's as if everyone's frozen on the spot watching my dad's casket get buried.

The wind chimes are the only sound I can hear other than the sound of the wind and the shovel striking the ground. The air is thick with sorrow and grief, and I'm feeling numb, watching my dad being covered in dirt.

William and Blaise just stood there, not making a sound and my mother was there looking at his grave.

The shovel made a thud sound as the last pile of dirt was thrown onto his casket and the wind chimes rang loudly.

My father's coffin was now buried under the ground and it was going to be there forever. My throat started to feel like it was going to close up, the reality of the situation was hitting really hard right now.

My dad was finally laid to rest and it was a horrible feeling to have him gone. My legs were shaking, and Hazel was still rubbing my arm, trying to comfort me. It was difficult for me to stand in this moment, but I did anyway, staring at my father's grave with red, swollen eyes.

Throughout the day, my friends stayed by my side even Dahlia, but there was no sign of Draco. I have been a crying mess on the other hand my mother hasn't shed one tear, not that I've seen.

Dahlia, Blaise, William and Hazel went back to Hogwarts after everything was done, comforting me till the last moment. And I was left alone, curled up in a fetal position, I wanted Draco to be here but he wasn't, I haven't seen him since yesterday.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and my breaths were deep and shaky. Everything felt so heavy and the pain of losing my father was unbearable. I just fucking wish he was here.

My knees began to buckle, and I felt my throat choking up with a sob. My whole body was shaking as my heart felt so heavy and hollow. The image of my father's face....all came rushing into my mind, and I wanted to cry even harder. I wanted to cry about a lot of stuff, I wanted Draco to be here, the time when I want him the most he isn't anywhere to be found.

I wanted this all to be over, I wanted to forget about everything and wake up, that this is all just a horrible nightmare, that my father's alive waiting for me to come home. But it's not, and now I have to live with that. I know that this was the reality and there's no going back and I hated that so much.

It wasn't fair, I was alone, I was grieving, I was miserable

I just wanted Draco to atleast fucking show up, and now, when I need him the most...he wasn't here. I couldn't bear this loneliness anymore, I just wanted him to be with me, just hold me. I felt so weak, I cried even harder, tears flooding my face. my whole body was shaking, I felt cold, sick and alone.

I just wanted someone to be here.

Someone that will hold me, comfort me as I cry. But there was no one here, there was no one here who could comfort me as I was feeling the worst I've ever felt in my life. I felt like I was going insane with each passing second, and the idea of spending another second alone was making me sick.

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