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Athena Jones

I had nowhere else to go when I left Malfoy manor, I ended up Apparating back to my empty house, my chest tightening I haven't stopped crying, I don't think it should hurt this much.

It was almost noon when mother bursts through the door, I had already wrote her a little, told her about well— my situation. She immediately hugs me as soon as she sees me.

"He broke up with me," I say my voice cracking along with tears stinging my eyes

Her hands rubbed my back, and she pulls me close to her, I can feel the tension in my back, the shaking of my body as I tried to calm myself. "Oh god Thea," she said pulling away holding my face "You stayed there? You stayed at the Malfoys,"

"I-I didn't have anywhere else-" I say with a shaky voice. I couldn't even look at her in the eye, I felt so pathetic and embarrassed,"I know — I know you said I should stay away from Malfoy — I'm sorry"

"Oh Merlin, Thea did they do anything are you okay? Did anything else happen? Did you see anything?" She shoots questions after questions looking very concerned

"I'm fine!" I said quickly then tried to shrug it off, "I just got broken up with, nothing else," my voice still shake at the verge of crying. "I should have known he's just gonna hurt me again."

"Don't ever. Don't ever go near that place or those people" she says pushing my hairs out of my face

"But-" I tried to argue, but she stopped me.

"I don't want to hear you say anything! Just forget about the Malfoys, got it. I told you they are nothing but trouble."

"But the Malfoys - " I started to say but she cut me off, "I don't want to hear anything else coming out from your mouth about them" She said firmly, I felt like crying again but I tried taking a deep breath and calm down.

I sighed and nodded, I didn't know how to feel.

Today is New year's Eve and my mother forced me out of the bed to have breakfast, even when I didn't want to. I just wanted to lay down disappear in my bed, it still hurts, I keep telling myself maybe tomorrow it won't, but I why doesn't it happen?

It was hard to even smile and keep up with the conversation with my mother, I felt like if I smiled I'm going to start crying again. I felt like a stupid teenager, and just wanted to be alone in my room and cry and curse and scream till I can't anymore.

In the evening my mom was sitting on the porch alone, drinking her tea, being alone sounds like something that would kill me if it went on for any longer, I looked at my mother then sat down beside her leaning onto her as she wrapped her one hand around me.

Maybe she will not say it in front of me, but I think she misses dad, she hadn't cried over his death, not in front of me, not that I know of, I don't know how she deals with it— with everything.

"Why did you never told me that you and Narcissa Malfoy were best friends in Hogwarts?" I ask after few moments, as paused in mid of taking a sip Frome her tea as soon as she heard Narcissa's name.

She paused a moment, her expression unreadable in the dim light of the porch.

"Who told you that?" She asks

"Narcissa- she told me you and her used to be close then you had a fallout after Hogwarts because of some argument" I reply

"She said that?" She raised her eyebrows before taking a sip of her tea.

"Was it true?" I ask her.

"Somewhat" she said, her answer was a bit tensed

"What do you mean?" I ask, I felt like this was gonna be another one of the times I don't know if my mom was going to answer honestly.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now