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We're standing in front of the grand— like really grand Malfoy manor, I mean I knew Malfoys were rich, no wonder he was so arrogant at the start of school. It's an ivy covered mansion, spread across to my right and left. A white marble path leading towards the entrance of the manor.

A deep breath, this is it. I thought, looking up at the mansion in front of us, the snow covering the marble path making it even more beautiful to look at. I looked at the two statues that stands tall on both side of the front entrance, their robes and bodies were chiseled with intricate carvings.

Who ever carved the statues must've spent months on them. I thought, as I stared at them, my mind trying to distract itself from how intimidating the whole manor was.

I kept staring at the statues, but I feel Draco's arm around me, giving a small squeeze, I took my eyes off the statues and turned to look towards him, he was looking down at me "Having second thoughts?"

I shook my head "No," I whispered, "just a little bit— I'm nervous," I said, glancing at the manor again. Who would have thought I'd end up standing in front of the Malfoy manor, let alone with Draco Malfoy himself.

"It will be fine," Draco assured me with an empathetic smile, his one hand shifting to a reassuring pat on my back, his other hand tightening the grip he kept around my waist, "Let's just go," he says, before he starts walking up the stairs towards the entrance of the manor.

Just go, it will be fine

I kept repeating those words in my head as we walk up the stairs, my stomach twisting, my fingers twisting into the cloth of my dress. My heart pumping faster as we walked towards the mansion, I gripped his robes, trying to find some comfort in holding something that belongs to him.

The grand doors of the mansion opened for us, an elf greets Malfoy welcome as she looked at me in confusion, "This is Athena Jones, she'll be staying here for holiday," he says to the elf then looks at me "This is Lucy," he tells me as the elf greets me too, her ears wriggling.

"You is welcome to stay for as long is you like," the elf, Lucy says politely.

I nod politely, as the elf steps out of the way to let us pass, we make our way towards the inside of the manor, I feel like I could hear my own heartbeat loud and clear, as I glance around, my eyes taking in the vast space of the grand staircase, the intricate carvings along the walls of the stairs, the green walls, and the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Paintings so many paintings staring at us.

As I glance back at Draco, I can see that he's looking at me with an inquisitive look, "You okay?" he whispers to me, putting a small smile.

I smiled back, despite my nerves "Yeah, I'm fine," I said, and his hand shifted to a reassuring grip around my shoulder, he squeezed it, as we make our way to the upper stairs and he leads the way to the library, the library was large as well, with dark brown shelves lining the walls, books in them, so many books.

"How many floors are even here in this place" I say as we're starting to go upstairs again.

Draco chuckled "A few," he joked, as we reached the third floor, he walked towards another set of double doors and held it open for me.

"And how many rooms?" I raise an eyebrow before I entered the room— his room

"A good amount," he added, closing the doors, he walked ahead and put our stuff on one of the couches that was placed besides the large book shelf.

"This is your room?" I look around the green painted walls, with darker shade of green colored curtains hanging on the sides of a human size windows.

Draco nodded, his hands shifting around the pocket of his robes, "Yeah," he said with a small smile. He looked around the room along with me.

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