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Jade Pov
Oh I'm hungry Trinity says as me her and Jon walk towards the restaurant but stopping when we see the rest of the family outside. Hey y'all Trinity says hugging the boys. Hey I say hugging zilla and solo. Wassup sis Zilla says as we let go of the hug. Nothing how have you been I ask. Good good grinding he says patting my shoulder. Oh my gosh lemme take a picture of you guys Trinity says to the boys making them pose.

Y'all look so cute Trinity says as she shows them the picture

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Y'all look so cute Trinity says as she shows them the picture. Y'all all look like your going to different events I say laughing as we look at the pictures. Where's Almia Trinity ask Solo. She's inside getting a table he says as we walk inside to find her. There's the pretty girl I say hugging her as she holds her son.

Hey she says l0wly as I go find a seat

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Hey she says l0wly as I go find a seat. Hey Josh says sitting next to me. Hi I say back smiling. You moving in all right he ask. Yeah just fine I say looking at him. Great he says rubbing my back. So what we here for Jon says as we get our drinks. Well y'all are my family right Almia says making my heart start beating fast. Yeah of course Trinity says smiling making everyone else agree. Well I'm just curious why my friends are texting me about in your guys show it looks like solo is cheating on me with your friend Cely Almia says pointing to me. Oh shit zilla says laughing. What Trinity says shocked as I keep looking down at my drink. Huh Almia yells at me as Trinity grabs the baby from her. Look we don't know nothing Josh says to her. I'm not asking you Josh I'm asking Jade I'm coming to you as family she says as I look at her. Have you asked solo I say pointing to him. Yeah and he says nothing happened she says back. Well then there's your answer I don't know anything else about it but you going stop yelling at me I know that I say drinking my drink. Hmm I hope for your sake your telling the truth Almia says scooting her chair to the table more.

Alright let's calm down eat some food Jon says as everyone sits in silence. How's Bailey Trinity ask lightening the mood. She's fine she's been with my mom cause we were out of town and everything I say while I still feel Almias glare on me. Oh that's nice Trinity says awkwardly. Yeah I say eating from my plate as I text Cely to pick me up. The boys miss you Josh says as the family has their own conversations. They do or you do I say smiling. Nah I'm chilling he says eating. Oh for real you are I ask him. Yep get to sleep by myself no snoring it's peaceful uce he says smiling. I do not snore I say hitting his shoulder. Yes the fuck you do uce he says making me laugh. Shut up I say looking at him. You been going out a lot since you been back in town he ask. You stalking my social media I ask as I pick at my plate. Maybe he says looking at me. Yeah I been having fun I say back. Fun like with other people he ask sitting up. Josh I say rolling my eyes. My bad uce I just didn't know that was apart of the "break" he says. It's not I'm just enjoying my own company I say checking my phone seeing Cely was at the restaurant. Your leaving he ask. Yeah I say standing up. You want me to walk you out he ask. No it's fine I say grabbing my purse. Ight he says looking at me. Bye guys I say waving as I walk out to Celys car.

She literally looked like she wanted to fight me I say as Cely drives to the apartment. That's insane she should've watched the episode herself then she would've seen he came in my room Cely says turning a corner. Wait you and solo did fuck I ask shocked. Yeah like once when we're all drunk she says shrugging her shoulder. Cely come on I say disappointed. What she ask as she turns into our complex. You slept with a married man I say upset by the situation. Jade you know I'm a girls girls he told me different she says as I get out the car. Whatever leave me out of it I say as I walk inside the living room. As I get ready for bed my phone starts ringing. Hello I say putting on my pajamas. Jade I hear the voice say. Punk I ask hearing Cms voice. Yeah how are you he ask. I'm great I say back. I'll make this quick tommrow there's a hockey game I think you would enjoy it with me and Aj he says as I check my calendar. Oh my gosh yes I would love to come I say back. Ok great see you tomorrow he says hanging up.

Hockey game*

Hey guys I say seeing Aj and Cm. Hey Aj says hugging me. You look so good I say as we hug. So do you she says smiling. Hey Jade Cm says hugging me. Oh y'all are already turnt I say smelling the liquor off Cms breath. Yes Aj says hyper as she jumps on Cm.

You guys are so cute i say as I sit down and watch the match

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You guys are so cute i say as I sit down and watch the match. How's Josh Aj ask as we watch the game. Oh he's fine working you know I say quickly. That's good I love you guys together you guys really match each other so well she says patting my leg. Thanks I'm going go get a drink I say getting up from the seat to find the bar. Hey can I have a margarita of some sort I ask the bartender. You got it he says making it as i take out my wallet. Give me the same thing and I got hers too I hear a voice say behind me.

🎀End of chapter🎀

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