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I haven't written an entry in a long time. Mostly because I just didn't have the energy to and also because life felt very uneventful.

I skipped school today, and I will skip school tomorrow too. I finally saw a psychiatrist today and got prescribed medication after all the dilemmas.

It's the evening, and I'm currently sitting in my lounge room grinding at my assignments so that I have time to study for my exams.

It feels chaotic, and for some reason the first few weeks of school caused me more anxiety than the week before everything is due. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel confident. Confident enough to get everything done I suppose.

I'd also like to address the fact that my birthday is coming this weekend, and I've completely forgot about it because it's in the middle of all these finals. The fact that I have to study on my birthday is not too disappointing to me tbh, but it's definitely odd.

Either way, I feel surprisingly okay. Isn't that weird?


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