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Author's POV (4 years later)

Years had passed since Mihir and Shatakshi embarked on their journey of healing together. Their bond had grown stronger with each passing day, as they faced their fears and insecurities head-on. Shatakshi had found solace in writing, pouring her heart and soul into a book about their experiences. Titled "Journey of Healing: A Story of Love and Resilience," it became a bestseller, touching the hearts of readers around the world.

As the book gained popularity, Shatakshi found herself invited to events and press conferences to share her story. Today was one such occasion—a fan meet and press conference to celebrate the success of her book. The room was filled with eager faces, waiting to hear her speak.

Shatakshi stood at the podium, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She took a deep breath and began to speak, her voice steady and confident.

"Thank you all for being here today. I am truly humbled by the overwhelming response to my book. 'Journey of Healing' is not just my story—it is the story of love, resilience, and the power of healing."

She went on to talk about her struggles with self-esteem and anxiety, and how her marriage to Mihir had helped her find the strength to overcome them. She spoke of the challenges they had faced together, and the importance of seeking help and support when needed.

As she finished her speech, the room erupted into applause. Among the crowd, Mihir stood up, his eyes shining with pride. He clapped loudly, giving her a standing ovation.

Shatakshi smiled, feeling a surge of love for him. She made her way through the crowd to where he was standing, and he enveloped her in a warm embrace.

"I'm so proud of you, Shatakshi," Mihir whispered in her ear. "You've come so far."

Shatakshi smiled up at him, her heart overflowing with gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you, Mir. You're my rock."

Later that night, they returned home, feeling tired but content. They settled into their cozy bedroom, the warmth of their love enveloping them.

The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm light over the room as Shatakshi curled up beside Mihir, her head resting on his chest. The gentle rise and fall of his breathing calmed her nerves, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

"Mmm, this feels nice," Mihir murmured, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "I could stay like this forever."

Shatakshi smiled, feeling the weight of the day melting away. "Me too, Mir. It's moments like these that make everything worth it."

They lay together in comfortable silence, the only sound the soft hum of the night outside. Shatakshi felt a sense of contentment wash over her as she snuggled closer to Mihir, her heart full of love for the man beside her.

"I'm so grateful to have you, Mir," Shatakshi whispered, her voice barely a whisper in the quiet of the room.

Mihir pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his love for her evident in the tender gesture. "And I'm grateful to have you, Shatakshi. You're my everything."

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, forever.

The next morning, as they shared a tender kiss in the soft morning light, Shatakshi felt a rush of emotion. She pulled back slightly, her eyes shining with tears of joy.

"Mihir, there's something I want to tell you," she whispered, her voice trembling with excitement.

Mihir looked at her, his heart pounding with anticipation. "What is it, Shatakshi?"

She took a deep breath, her hands trembling with nervousness. "I'm pregnant, Mir. We're going to have a baby."

Mihir's eyes widened in shock, his heart overflowing with joy. He pulled her into a passionate kiss, his love for her spilling over in every touch.

"Oh, Shatakshi, that's amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion. "I can't believe it!"

Shatakshi smiled through tears of joy, feeling a sense of completeness she had never known before. "I love you, Mir. And I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together."

As they held each other close, their hearts filled with love and anticipation, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, forever.

"And amidst the storms of life, love emerged as our guiding light, illuminating our path with hope, resilience, and unwavering devotion."


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