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Aaransh's POV ( 10 months later)

It had been almost a year since I last saw her. I still missed her. She graduated from college a few months after the kissing incident. I hoped to see her there, but she didn't come. I asked her friends about her, but they remained tight-lipped.

I'm in my hostel room packing my bags. My first-semester exams are ending in a couple of days, and I have a month-long holiday. However, my friend Keshav invited me to his elder brother's wedding, which is in Goa. I remember how much Geetanjali used to talk about Goa. She always wanted to go there.

I also learned about her fiancé, Saiyyam. He's a 28-year-old radiologist based in the USA, the only son of his parents, and he seems to be doing well. Of course, she would choose him.

I'm not trying to portray her as a gold digger, but she deserves someone as mature as her, and I think Saiyyam is nice. He's two years older than her, and she's three years older than me. She turned 26 three months ago.

I saw her birthday pictures on her Instagram story. I was glad she hadn't blocked or unfriended me yet. She looked good in her lemon-green jumpsuit with white pearl earrings and white heels. Not to mention her long black hair, curled up at the ends.

The photo was taken in Mumbai, where she's currently practicing. That's all I know about her for now. She seemed happy in the pictures she posted after graduation. Maybe she's happier without me.

I always felt like I was the reason she faced humiliation, from school to college. We were always paired together, thanks to my stupid eyes. I couldn't help but stare whenever she was around.

Sometimes my brother noticed and told me to stay within limits, as if she was his girlfriend or something. They were just part of the same friend circle, nothing more. He had a girlfriend named Ritika, who wasn't good. Okay, she was awful.

I still can't understand how my brother could even like her. Maybe it was because she had fair skin. Yeah, that's something I remember about her. But let me tell you, she was terrible, like those mean girlfriends you see in movies. Yeah, that was Ritika.

Geetanjali's POV

Months had passed since my college days, and life had taken me on unexpected journeys. Graduating opened doors to new beginnings, and I immersed myself in my medical practice in the vibrant city of Mumbai. Amidst the chaos of my professional life, thoughts of Aaransh lingered, a chapter I struggled to close.

As I prepared to attend Nikita's wedding in Goa, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the festivities. Nikita is childhood friend, and while I was happy to celebrate her joyous occasion, my mind was preoccupied with my personal life drama.

Despite my family's eagerness to plan my own wedding, I remained reticent about the topic. The prospect of marriage loomed over me like a shadow, stirring a mix of emotions I struggled to confront. While Saiyyam's care and stability were undeniable, doubts lingered beneath the surface, threatening to unravel the facade of certainty I had carefully constructed.

His recent mention of wanting to talk filled me with a sense of unease. I feared he might have reservations about our engagement, shattering the illusion of security I clung to. The uncertainty gnawed at me, casting a pall over what should have been a joyous time in my life.

As I made my way to Goa, unaware of the connections waiting to unfold, thoughts of Aaransh occasionally drifted through my mind. I remembered our shared moments from college, his earnest gaze and hesitant smile. Yet, I pushed aside the memories, burying them beneath layers of practicality and obligation.

As the ceremony unfolded, I found myself lost in a sea of faces, the joyous atmosphere a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me. Amidst the laughter and celebration, Saiyyam's impending talk loomed like a storm on the horizon, threatening to engulf me in uncertainty once more.

As I wandered near the pool area of the hotel, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted him—Aaransh. He was engrossed in conversation with some members of the groom's party, including Keshav, whom I'd met a few times during the wedding preparations.

When Aaransh caught sight of me, his smile faded, and he quickly set down his glass. Excusing himself from his company, he began striding purposefully in my direction. My heart raced, and without a second thought, I turned on my heel and hastened away.

Despite his calls, I kept my pace, feeling the weight of the moment pressing upon me. It was now or never. Rushing into my room, I fumbled with the door lock in a desperate attempt to shut him out. But before I could secure it, he burst in, swiftly locking the door behind him.

I tried to push him away, but his grip on my hands was firm as he pressed me against the wall. Standing close, he looked into my eyes, his presence towering over me. He's tall, probably around 6'2, while I'm just 5'6. Why am I even thinking about this now?

He smirked, his voice teasing as he suggested I was admiring him. I mentally scolded myself; I'm engaged, I can't entertain such thoughts.

"Why are you here, Aaransh?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly as tears threatened to spill. Why was I crying now?

Ignoring my plea for him to leave, he drew me closer by my waist, his breath warm against my ear as he spoke of his capabilities.

"Why do you keep pushing me away, Anjali?" he murmured, his voice laced with frustration and longing.

"Because I can't be with you, Aaransh," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm engaged now. You have to understand."

He tightened his grip on me, his expression intense as he leaned in closer. "I understand more than you realize, Anjali," he said, his voice low and husky. "And I'm not going to give up on us that easily."

"But you have to," I insisted, my voice tinged with desperation. "I've moved on, Aaransh. You should too."

His eyes darkened with emotion, his gaze locking onto mine with unwavering intensity. "I can't move on, Anjali," he said softly. "Not when you're still the one I love."

I felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me, my heart torn between the past and the present. But before I could respond, he silenced me with a gentle touch of his lips against mine, igniting a fire within me that I thought had long been extinguished.

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