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Looking at him in the bed like this burned and scared he could barely recognize him, this was the most hurt he had ever seen him. And if Porlyusica hadn't found him when she did he would have died. Natsu was angry and scared, but he also had a tinge of pride in his heart.

He was proud that Happy fought as hard as he did and even prouder that he won. The cat started to groan in pain and opened his eyes just a little.

“Natshuuu.” He whined weakly. “I'm here buddy.” Natsu said in relief. “You owe me some fish. That guy was tough.” Happy demands and jokes in pain. Natsu smiled, his eyes a little misty. “I'll give you all the fish you want after this I promise.”

“Ok.” Happy yawned And groaned in pain. “I'm tired, I'm going to sleep.” He said as his eyes closed and fell back into a slumber. Natsu sighs as he stands up to leave the room. As he walked back into the guild hall he could see the worried faces of his mates. “Is Happy-nii gonna be okay.” Kaiori asked worriedly. Natsu smiled reassuringly. “Of course sweetheart, he’s just sleeping right now.” 

“What's the plan Master? It's been hours” Nico asked impatiently. “Jet, can you go and check out that barrier?” The speedster nodded and disappeared. A minute later he returned. “It's not really a barrier. I was able to pass through it easily.” Jet said, confused. “So what's the purpose if not to trap us.” Laki questioned. Nico thought for a moment before asking a question. “How did it look out there?” He asked. “What do you mean?” 

“I'm talking about how dark it was, did the moon look like it was setting or not.” Nico explained. “Now that you mention it was lighter out there than in here.” Jet said. Nico sighed in frustration at his words. “Vampires are stronger at night. This barrier most likely captured the night at its peak to keep them at their strongest.” 

“What that's cheating!” Fubuki exclaimed in shock. “Ok first we need to evacuate the town. This could get dangerous and we don't know if they'll be safe.” Natsu explained. Nab and Reedus volunteered for that. “Next we need to find Luke and get him out. We don't know how many were up against so we'll have a team to be a decoy and draw out as many as they can.” Natsu already called backup just in case it was too many to handle. Natsu's aura grew more serious as he said his next sentence.

“Now I want all of you to be prepared for this. We'll most likely have to wipe them all out. Are you ready for that?” Natsu explained to them.

“They almost killed one of ours and kidnapped another. Of course we're ready.” Bisca said. “YEAH!” The guild agreed behind her.

Later as everyone was getting ready Natsu was talking to Romeo. “But why not master? Luke's my best friend, why can't I go?.” Romeo cried to him. “I'm sorry Romeo but I need you to take Kaiori and evacuate with everyone else okay.” Natsu told him. Romeo was still showing frustration over the whole thing. “Listen, this is the most important thing, please just take care of my daughter.” Natsu told him seriously.

“Ok Master.”


As the town was being evacuated to a neighboring town you could see most of the Fairy Tail standing in front of the castle. “Is now a bad time to say I'm nervous.” Max said laughing. “Well you could just leave it to us and go hide.” Jet told him with a bit of sweat going down his face. “You could just leave it to us.” Laki jokes. “Yeah if you guys can't handle it.” Millianna fired at them.

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