Chapter 11:Hide and seek

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I looked at Kalley frantically. She nodded towards me and ran off in one direction, so I ran in the other. As I sprinted down the halls, I felt like I was in a maze, which I'm not good at. I kept going down dead ends or going in circles, and he was still looking for us. His voice haunts  my dreams, the weird ways it glitched and how joyful he sounded. Bone chilling. 

"Oh no, " I said to myself, "Where am I"?

I kept getting lost, and bumping into more shrines. Only ones of Error and Glitch though. None of the winged girl from earlier. This whole place was one big maze, and it was only a matter of time before Error found me. As I ran around the castle, I saw Lorelai 2.0- I mean Glory sitting in a room, with no other ideas for what to do, I ran inside.

"Oh, Hello!" Glory said.

"Um, Hi, you're glory right?" I asked.

"Yup, The one and only," She confirmed.

"Well, can you help me," I asked.

"Of course, what you yeah need help with?" Glory asked.

"Hiding from Error," I said.

"Oh! sure, see that painting?" Glory pointed to an old painting of Error glitch, and the 3rd girl smiling happily together, "There's a little hidey hole in there, use that".

"Thanks," I said and hid behind the painting.

Luckily there was a peep hole in the painting for me to see out of. Most of the time I was just Glory drawing on the floor. While she was midway through her drawing, Error walked in. But he looked scarier. Deformed even. The bandage around his right eye was gone. Instead there was a gash on the side of his head, with red and green tentacles growing out of it. He had also grown like 5 feet in 6 seconds apparently. He glared a Glory angrily.

"Where is she?" He asked angrily.

"Who," Glory looked up from her drawing.

"The Blonde!" Error shouted.

"Hm, haven't seen a blonde around here," Glory lied.

Error just growled and looked away, "If you find her, bring her to me," He ordered.

"Yes sir," Glory answered.

He sighed and went back into his, less terrifying, form, I mean he was still scary, but not nightmare full, "Thank you," He look ashamed before walking out. Glory then waved for me to come out.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Glory asked back.

"What's with all of the tenacles and stuff?" I asked.

"He's a corrupted piece of code," Glory said.

"Explain," I told her. 

"Well, the system has citizens, more than just Error, Glitch, and I, but it's hard to tell them apart. All boys have paper while skin, with blue eyes, while pupil, white hair, green teeth, and a fully blue aura," Glory explained, while stacking some blocks.

"What about the girls?" I asked.

"Um, basically the same as the boys but the blue is replaced with pink," She explained.

"Oh," I said.

"Yeah, but one day Error and Glitches code got corrupted, so they had to flee," Glory continued.

"Then what happened?"  I asked.

"They found other corrupted people and basically became there leader, then they became like an old folks tall after that," Glory finished.

"Oh, then what does he need my friends for," I questioned.

"That I don't know, he won't explain it to me," Glory admitted.

"Well thank you for your help,"  I said, standing up.

"No problem!" She said.

I then nodded and ran out.


I kept running through the halls, hiding behind shrines, in randoms, basically anywhere that got me out of Error's sight. I hoped that I could randomly just come across where Jennings, Jeremiah, or Lorelai was, but nope. I couldn't find them anywhere. I hope maybe me and Leah could find each other at least. but she wasn't sure

"Jennings?" I yelled out.

No response.




Nobody made a peep.

"Fuck," I swore, ducking behind a large shrine, with a painting behind it.

"I'll find you little one!" Error laughed, "Wither you like it or not".

I just sat there, not moving a muscle.

He looked left and right, shrugged and walked forward, I waited for another 10 minutes before I moved again, in which I accidentally moved the painting. When it swung out of the way I saw a passage, big enough for a human to walk through. Since it seemed like the safest option I entered.

The pathways wrapped around to many different areas, each exit hidden behind a different painting. I walked around until I found a very well kept part of the maze. It had pillows and blankets, a mini fridge full of smoothies and coke cans and food. I guessed this was someone's room but I didn't know who's. I decided to take a smoothie, and sit down. I looked around and found another photo of a younger Undead with a younger version of the girl from the other photo me and Leah found. It also had something engraved into the frame. It said 'Aella and Undead <3' . So her name is Aella, useful. I wonder what she has to do with this.

I decided to go looking around more, hoping I could find anyone who could help me.

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