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nate and I always hated jack gilinsky. ever since gilinsky slept with nate's girlfriend. now that he had somehow managed to be one of the biggest drug dealers in omaha we were trying to figure out a way to take him down.

"we could just rat him out to the police." I shrug.

"too easy. he's got to feel this one." nate says.

we sit and think for a little longer until nate jumps out of his seat.

"I've got it! you can get close to his sister then once you have everyone's trust you steal his stash and all his money. his customers will be pissed and beat the shit out of him. he'll also have to deal with his sister's broken heart when you dump her." he explains.

"how am I supposed to get close to asher? she hates me." I question.

"make her like you. the two of you can hang at mike's party tonight." he shrugs.

we elaborate on the plan a little more before getting ready for the party. I don't mind getting close to asher. she's hot as hell. we used to be friends before nate and I parted ways with gilinsky.



my friend sophie and I were in my bathroom getting ready for mike's party when jack barged in.

"sure come on in." I roll my eyes.

"nate is going to be at the party tonight." he says ignoring my previous comment.

"sounds like a you problem." I shrug.

"I don't want you hanging out with him. you're lucky I'm letting you go tonight." he huffs.

I ignore him until he walks out. sophie tries holding back her laughter making me laugh.

once soph and I are done getting ready we walk downstairs where jack and jack are waiting for us. we all walk outside and get in jack's jeep.

when we get to the party soph and I try to get as far away from jack as possible. he usually goes straight to the kitchen so we head outside. we sit beside a bonfire talking about stupid stuff until we're interrupted by two guys.

"hey cutie." nate says sitting beside soph as sam sits beside me.

"come on soph lets go." I say in disgust.

"come on ash, we aren't as bad as your brother says we are." sam says grabbing my wrist.

I look back in the kitchen and see jack flirting with one of my friends even though we agreed friends were off limits. I reluctantly sit back down and see sam and nate smile at each other.

"don't get any ideas fuckboys I just want to piss jack off." I scoff.

soph always had a small crush on nate so she looks pretty happy right now. we all talk for a while. they aren't that bad other than their perv comments here and there. about an hour later jack comes and if he were a cartoon he'd have steam coming out of his ears.

"asher what the hell are you doing?" he asks harshly.

"I was talking to nate and sam but now I'm talking to you." I explain calmly.

"not anymore, we're going home." he says trying to pull me up by my arm.

"don't touch me prick." I scoff pulling my arms away.

"just get in the car." he says through gritted teeth.

I get up and soph does the same. we say goodbye to nate and sam. soph ends up giving nate her number. I'm about to follow soph back inside the house when sam stops me.

"could I get your number? ya know to piss jack off some more." he asks sounding a little nervous.

"you just think I'm hot and you're using the jack thing as an excuse to get my number aren't you." I laugh.

"you caught me." he chuckles.

I take his phone and put my number in. then I turn and follow soph to jack's car.


creds to traplordmaloley for the idea ily💖

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