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after getting asher back to school I went to pe and shot some free throws with nate.

"so how's the plan going so far?" he asked.

"we skipped for a little while today and went out to mcdonald's but then she had to get back or wilson would kill her." I explain.

"you took her to mcdonalds? are you an idiot?" he questions.

"it was just lunch. plus we're going on our first real date sometime soon." I tell him.

"I swear if you take her to captain d's I'll beat the shit out of you." he says shaking his head.

"I'm not a complete dumbass." I challenge.

"whatever just don't get feelings, that's the last thing we need." he states as I nod along.


I leave school a few minutes before the bell rings and go to her car just so I can see her for a little longer and so I can seriously talk to her about our date.

I see her walking towards me with sophie. she doesn't notice me yet but that gives me an excuse to stare at her a little longer. the way her nose scrunches up when you say something funny or the way she uses her hands when she talks. even her lips that are so plump she'll talk your ear off if you let her but I bet they'd be great wrapper around-

"sup young wilk what are you doing here?" she asks pulling me away from my thoughts.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for dinner with me tonight." I question as sophie's eyes slightly widen.

"sure where are we going? waffle house, captain d's, or something like that?" she questions.

"I'm not an idiot, I wouldn't take such a beautiful girl to some run down shit hole." I tell her making her cute little face redden.

"okay then what am I supposed to wear?" she asks.

"I'll help you with that just get me home I'm starving." sophie groans making me and asher laugh.

"see you later princess." I say giving asher a kiss on the cheek before walking to my car.

"see ya fuckboy."


I was currently in front of asher's house and realizing I hadn't completely thought this out. I forgot to ask if jack is home and if I knock on the door and he is here he'll kick my ass. I decide to suck it up and go up there. I brought flowers because my mom told me she'd like them because apparently I was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. nervous was a bit of an understatement. I was going out to dinner with one of the hottest girls in our grade. she often got mistaken for 21 even though she's only 18 and if I screw up tonight the plan could be ruined and I could also lose ash for good. I'll probably lose her regardless if the plan goes as planned but I don't like to think about that.

"hey sam you look cute." she greets pulling me away from my thoughts yet again.

"thanks and you" I say looking her up and down a little tongue tied as she laughs.

"am I making you nervous?" she smirks.

"what? oh um no. these are for you." I state as I give her the flowers.

"you're being really sweet I kinda like it. I'll be right back to put these in some water you can wait in the living room." she explains before walking away leaving me awkwardly standing in the living room.

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