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we get to my house and sit in the living room and start watching ellen. it's boring but I like when she laughs at the jokes even if they aren't that funny.

"let's do something." I say turning the tv off.

"we were watching ellen until you turned it off." she pouts.

"no I want to go back to the field." I urge before getting off the couch and pulling her up with me.

"the field we used to go to all the time with my brother, jack, and nate?" she questions.

"yeah that's the one." I smile.

"okay fine." she gives in.

I get a blanket, a sweatshirt, and some fruit before we get in my car and she plugs up her phone to the stereo and starts playing music. the field is basically a big pasture with an even bigger tree that we used to all climb on when we were younger.

I park next to the tree and lay out the blanket underneath it. asher lays down and closes her eyes.

"can I have some of those grapes you brought?" she asks keeping her eyes closed.

"of course." I smile goofily at her.

I hand over the bowl of grapes and lay down beside her. we lay in silence until the sun starts to set. that's when she shoots up and looks at me.

"what made you and nate sit beside me and sophie at that party?" she questions looking stumped.

"what do you mean?" I ask thinking back to that night. how I'm not supposed to fall for the beautiful girl in front of me. instead I'm supposed to break her heart and destroy her brother's drug ring.

"I mean why didn't you hang out in the kitchen or with some other girl that you would have ended up hooking up with?" she continues.

I pause for a second trying to figure out how to tell her I only hung out with her that night was so I could help nate get revenge.

"to be completely honest it was because nate thought sophie looked hot that night but I thought the same thing about you." I nervously laugh.

"why are you laughing like that? being all nervous?" she continues throwing questions at me.

"how could I not get a little tongue tied talking to such a cute girl?" I smile at her before placing a passionate kiss on her lips.

"cut the cheesy shit it makes me cringe." she scrunches her face. making me laugh at her.

"okay since you've been interrogating me, it's my turn now." I smirk.

"if you're going to ask for my bra size or sex the answer is no." she rolls her eyes.

"I'm hurt. I thought we've passed the whole you think I'm a fuckboy phase." I say pretending to wipe away a tear as she just shrugs.

"what's your question?" she asks.

I suddenly get really nervous. I shouldn't be feeling this way I'm just trying to take down her brother. fuck feelings.

"willyoubemygirlfriend?" I ask in one breath.

"what?" she questions a little nervously.


"of course. just don't scream at me or I'll break your neck." she says before tackling me with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"have I told you how cute you are?" I chuckle.

"have I told you how much fun it is to make you nervous?" she laughs along.


this story is going to be really short ansnqkks

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