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my alarm clock wakes me up early monday morning. I reluctantly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I straighten my hair and do my make up. after finishing in the bathroom I go to my closet and look for something to wear. I end up going with a black shirt with white stripes on the sleeves and light wash jeans.

"ash you ready?" jack calls up the stairs.

"I'm coming." I answer.

I check my phone while walking out the door to my car and see the usual text from sam.

sam: good morning cutie can't wait to see you at school😘

asher: you saw me the other day dude chill

sam: it's been too long

asher: obsessed much?

sam texts back but I ignore it. I pick up soph from her house and we make the dreaded drive to school.

after parking in my usual spot we walk inside discussing our weekends. she had already known about sam and I spending the day together.

"so he hid in the closet while you had a full conversation with your brother?" she laughs.

"they're both idiots." I shrug.

"speak of the devil." soph says as sam walks towards us with a cheesy grin plastered on his face.

"what's got you so smiley wilk?" I question after giving him a small hug.

"can't I just be glad to see you?" he laughs.

"whatever I'll see you guys later." I say to him and soph before walking away to my locker.


I'm sitting in fourth period bored out of my mind learning about plant reproduction. mrs. jackson is a sixty year old woman who's hearing aids barely work and that's obsessed with her cats and plants. something interesting finally happens when some junior walks in.

"asher gilinsky is needed in the principal's office." he says to mrs. jackson as all eyes turn to me. mrs. jackson nods her head for me to leave so I pick up my books and walk out. the junior is already long gone and the only other person is sam.

"I'm not really needed in the principal's office am I?" I question.

"no but I need you to go out for lunch with me. plus you weren't answering your phone so I had to figure out a way to get you to leave your class." he explains.

"lunch is next period why couldn't you just wait and irritate me there?" I ask.

"because the lunch here sucks ass and I want a milk shake." he groans.

"okay well I can't skip all day because I have to give sophie a ride home." I agree.

"wait you're saying yes? you'll go?" he questions sounding shocked.

"do you want me to say no?" I challenge.

"no let's go." he says grabbing my hand and leading me to the back exit. we walk over to his car, basic black jeep.

"you're so basic." I laugh.

"well what kind of car do you have?" he challenges.

"1968 convertible camaro." I smirk.

"well aren't you just so special." he mocks me.

"shut up and drive." I laugh.

a couple minutes later we pull into the mcdonald's parking lot and walk in. we take turns ordering and then he pulls out his wallet and pays.

"so when do I get to take you on a real date?" he asks after bringing our food to the table.

"when you ask." I shrug.

"want to go on a date?" he questions.

"no you're ugly." I say.

"please I can change." he pleads jokingly.

"fine whatever." I laugh.

"okay so now tell me about yourself. what's been going on with you since we stopped being so close?" he challenges.

"well when you and nate stopped coming over 24/7 jack and jack would hang out without me a lot so I'd just chill with soph." I explain.

"awe so you've missed me." he smiles.

"not a chance fuckyboy." I say throwing a fry at him.

"seriously though is that all that's happened? no boyfriend? new drug addictions?" he questions with a chuckle.

"nope I'm boring." I answer.

"you're actually anything other than boring. you're the first girl I've ever taken out that hasn't tried fighting over who will pay for lunch." he states.

"that'd be too cliche and I hate that shit." I say making him laugh.

my phone rings pulling me away from our lunch for a second.

"ash where the hell are you?" sophie whispers into the phone.

"mcdonalds, why?" I ask nonchalantly.

"remember how mr. wilson said if you skip one more day he's suspending you? remember what happens when with your parents when you get suspended?" she questions frantically.

"shit I'll be there soon." I say before hanging up.

"sam we've got to go. now." I panic.

"why? what is it?" he asks while we both throw away our trash.

"wilson will have my ass if I skip again." I explain as we run to his car.

"we can't let that happen because I'm the only one who gets your ass." he smirks.

"shut the hell up and get me back to school." I say rolling my eyes.


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