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I ran inside the house as fast as possible and saw molly and laura sitting on the couch. I jumped into their laps and hugged them as they laughed at me.

"I missed you two." I say excitedly.

"we missed you too." molly says hugging me again.

"how long will you guys be in town?" I ask.

"two weeks." laura answers.

we talk for a little while about old times.

"are you and jack still friends with sammy and nate?" molly asks as jack walks into the kitchen where we were sitting.

"sammy and I got back in touch recently." I explain cautiously.

"we aren't friends with them." jack says harshly.

"they aren't that-" I start but jack cuts me off.

"they aren't shit. you don't need to hangout with them or bring them up." he says before slamming the refrigerator shut and stomping up to his room.

"sore spot?" laura questions.

"for him. I don't know why though they're pretty cool." I shrug.

"which one do you like?" molly smirks.

I roll my eyes and they both laugh as they tell me to fess up.

"sam and I went out for lunch today after we hung out at a party the other night." I explain.

"lil sis is growing up on us. what a shame." laura says wiping a fake tear from under her eye.

"shut up." I laugh rolling my eyes again.

we keep talking for a few hours until it's one in the morning and we're all exhausted. we hug goodnight before going to our separate rooms. I change into sweatpants and a t-shirt before laying down in bed. I check my phone and see a text from sam.

sam: goodnight babygirl

asher: goodnight fuckboy

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