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the next morning I woke up and felt like complete shit. I ran to the bathroom and puked up everything. laura came into my room and took my temperature and I had a fever of 104.

"you look like shit lil sis." jack laughs.

"shut the hell up." I mumble as I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen.

I make myself a bowl of soup and get a gatorade. my phone keeps vibrating while its in the waistband of my shorts. I finally check it once I'm laying back in bed with a bucket by my side.

sam: good morning babygirl<3

sam: I was wondering if we could hang today

sam: how does bowling sound?

asher: can't I'm sick and look like shit

asher: plus I hate bowling so

sam: sounds like you could use some ice cream and a movie marathon day

sam: be there in ten

asher: no don't come I don't want to get you sick


sam: see you soon😘

asher: little fucker.

I didn't put up much of a fight because I lowkey wanted to hangout with him because everyone else had left me all alone. molly and laura went shopping and jack went to hangout with johnson. plus I knew there was no point in arguing. I lay in bed watching bob's burgers and eat my soup waiting for sam.

"honey I'm home!" he says when he walks in not even bothering to knock.

"upstairs." I yell.

I hear loud stomps coming up the stairs. then see sam walk through my bedroom door holding about eight different plastic bags from the grocery store.

"what the hell is all that?" I say with a laugh that soon turns into a cough.

"maybe you should lay off the cigarettes." he suggests smirking.

"maybe you should give me the damn ice cream." I say rolling my eyes.

"oh yeah well I remembered your favorite was always moose tracks but I didn't know if that had changed so I got that and chocolate, cookies n' cream, vanilla, cookie dough,and neapolitan. I also got some chips and swedish fish." he explains.

"thanks fuckboy." I smile.

"do you like any of this?" he questions nervously.

"I love it. now hand me moose tracks and a spoon." I say while still smiling.

he pulls out two spoons from one of the bags and sits next to me on the bed.

"who said you could sit next to me?"I ask raising an eyebrow.

"oh my bad I'll-" he says starting to get up.

"stop being so nervous and cuddle with me." I say leaning my head against his shoulder.

I hand him the remote to pick a movie and he chooses carrie. we sit in silence watching the movie for a while until I have a sneezing fit.

"you don't even look as bad as you said earlier." sam laughs.

"flattery will get you no where young grasshopper." I say.

"what about a kiss?" he questions smirking.

"what part of I'm sick don't you understand fuckboy?" I laugh.

"quit calling me fuckboy." he groans.

"quit being a fuckboy." I shrug.

"well if-" he starts but is cut off by the sound of the front door opening and closing.

"ash I'm home." jack calls up the stairs.

"shit jack can't know I'm here he'll kill me." sam says getting up. jack's heavy footsteps are heard slowly coming up the stairs

"hide in my closet its a war zone in there." I whisper as I open the door and hurry him in. once he's hidden and so is everything he brought I quickly sit back down on my bed.

"you feeling any better ash?" jack asks poking his head through the door.

"I don't feel like puking my eyeballs out if that's anything." I shrug making him laugh a little.

"anyways I'm sorry about being such a jerk about sam last night it's just that we've got some history and I'm so protective over you and I don't want you to get hurt and-" he rambles on but I cut him off.

"it's cool I get it. you're just looking out for me but just know I can take care of myself. plus if sam ever hurts me we can cut his balls off." I smirk.

"sounds good. feel better little sis." he says before walking out.

"oh by the way I'm going to have downstairs in the basement so stay in your room with your door locked." he says before going back downstairs.

I open my closet door and sam stumbles out.

"so you'd really cut my balls off?" he asks.

"without hesitation." I smile.

"what's jack doing downstairs anyways?" he questions.

"not sure he does this about once or twice a week but he never tells anyone what he's doing." I explain.

"why do you two hate each other though?" I ask.

"long story." he says avoiding the subject.


there was a cute guy at taco bell and I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME ahahahahahahah

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