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tonight is the night. it's sam's birthday and nate, soph, and I all planned the best party. it's at nate's house and as far as sam knows I'm just taking him out for a small dinner.

I finish the final touches on my hair before running downstairs and out to my car. I make the drive to sam's house. I text nate before and make sure everything is completely perfect. I walk up to sam's door but before I get the chance to knock his mom opens it.

"it's great to see you asher. sammy hasn't stopped talking about you and his birthday party for the past month. it's so great the two of you are friends again." she gushes pulling me in for a hug.

"you didn't tell him about the surprise did you?" I question getting a little nervous.

"of course not. he has no clue." she smiles.

"look at my cute little girly friend." sam greets me.

"when did you two make it official?" annie asks suddenly joining us at the doorway.

"a week ago." sam smiles.

we say goodbye to his family before walking out to my car. he asks a lot of questions the whole way to nate's house. before we get to nate's streets I force him to put on a blindfold.

"ash I didn't know you were so kinky." he smirks behind the blindfold.

"shut up." I laugh a little.

we pull into nate's driveway and sam still has no idea what's going on. I help sam out of the car and into the house.

"SURPRISE!" everyone yells as sam rips off the blindfold. sam leans over and kisses me passionately while the crowd erupts in cheers.

"drink up birthday boy." nate slurs probably already drunk handing sam a beer. he doesn't hesitate before chugging half of it.

"you like it?" I shout over the music.

"almost as much as I like you." he smiles before finishing off his beer.

he leads me into the kitchen and downs a couple shots.

"don't you think you should slow down? we just got here." I question after his fourth shot.

"no way I'm just getting started." he laughs.

after being in the kitchen for about ten minutes he ends up mixing up what he calls his special juice. I'm still on my first beer.

"hey lovebirds everyone is playing truth or dare in the basement, lets go." nate says before dragging us downstairs.

we sit in a circle with a bunch of people from school and a few from different schools. I see sophie sitting next to nate as he goes first while sam continues to get drunk off his ass.

"okay sam truth or dare?" some girl, allie, asks.

"truth." he slurs.

"tell us your biggest secret." she smirks.

"the only reason I'm dating asher is so nate and I can take down her brother's little drug ring." he says with a smug smile.

everyone in the room gets silent and nate looks like he could kill sam. sophie looks at me with all the sympathy in the world. I just sit there feeling numb. sam seems to almost immediately sober up and realize what he's just said.

"ash it was a joke I'm kidding you know I love you." he says trying to pull me close.

"we've been dating for a week. don't pull the I love you bullshit just because you fucked up." I say through gritted teeth pulling away from him.

"nate is he being serious right now?" sophie asks him.

"we never wanted to hurt you ash..." he starts.

"don't fucking lie to me. have fun giving shit face a ride home because I'm sure as hell not." I roll my eyes before walking out. sam follows behind me and continuously shouts my name. he stumbles repeatedly due to all the alcohol in his system. I walk outside and see its started to rain.

"holy shit ash please listen to me." he grabs my arm.

"let go of my fucking arm."

"listen to me please babygirl." he pulls me closer to him.

"don't babygirl me you fucker." I spit.

"ash I'll be completely honest. at first nate and I made a plan to take down jack and that involved me making you fall for me. nate couldn't do it because he likes sophie." he explains.

"is this some fucking game to you? am I some kind of toy? did you get tired of the usual girls you fuck with so you come to me? or did jack hurt your feelings?" I throw questions at him left and right. I know this is giving him a headache because he keeps crinkling his nose.

"ash I said I was supposed to make you fall for me but that's where I fucked up. I fell for you. I fell so damn hard and I don't know what to do because I've never liked someone so much." he continues to explain.

"I don't have time for your shit." I laugh coldly before getting in my car and driving home.



also I reposted this because the chapters got messed up yikes

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