When the night had stars... Chapter Two

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Trigger Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This chapter has a VERY short mention of R*pe and murder.
I am so deeply sorry for those whom have had to go through this terrible experience and I truly do hope that something like that will never happen to you ever again.
Your thoughts and feelings matter, no matter how little the situation may seem, please, your not a bad person if you ask for help. please stay safe ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Please proceed with caution. if you wish to skip the details of the TW, i'll put a little warning before hand. And no, you wont be missing any important details. I'll make sure to explain anything important in the next chapter in a VERY vague way.


"Estelle! Get down here, our guests are here. Go open the door while I finish setting up the dinner table." Your father yelled up the stairs to you. You instinctively rolled your eyes. You've been dreading this very moment ever since your father broke the news to you earlier this morning. Your father had made you get dressed in a very uncomfortable corset-tight dress, the top and skirt part of the dress, you could make out as being light, and flowy silk material, while the corset you could make out to be a tight lace. 
"I meant now Estelle! Not later." He yelled up to you once again. 
"Coming father!" You eventually yelled back down to him. 

Once you reached the hallway leading to the front door, you jumped when you felt a light tapping on your right shoulder.
"You ready kiddo?" Your dad asked you. His tone sounded like he was trying to be the 'cool dad' type and he was failing miserably. "No-"
"Great! Now go on and greet them. we don't want to keep them waiting now do we Estelle?" Your father cut you off for the second time today. You didn't respond to him, and instead you begrudgingly walked towards the front door. Once your fingertips touched the smooth wood and metal lining of the door, you moved your hand to the left in search of the handle. Once you found it, you pulled it open. You kept your head tilted down, but kept it lifted just enough to make out some of your facial expressions. 
"Hello there," You heard an older male voice speak out. "You must be Gods daughter! He talks so highly of you, it's such an honor to finally make your acquaintance your highness." You could hear the fabric of his suit rustling as he moved, and you could guess that he was attempting to shake your hand. But you didn't accept his friendly gesture, and you could easily pass it off by saying you were just simply blind. After a few long moments of awkward silence, you could hear another, younger males voice speak to the older gentleman.
"Dad... she's blind. Put you hand back before you make more of a fool out of yourself."
The older man chuckled. "Ah, yes. I do apologize for that princess, do forgive me."
"It's fine. Please, come in. I'm sure my father is excited to see you.." You said quite flatly and with very little emotion in your tone.

You lead your, or really your fathers, guests into the dining room. Your fingers tracing the walls as you navigated your way around the house and eventually into the dining room, where your father stood waiting for you and the guests. As the three of you entered, your father acted clueless, and greeted them like he didn't already know that they were there.
"Rathal! I'm so glad you made it. Lio my boy! you've grown so much since I've last seen you, how have you been lately?" 
"I've been quite fine. My father wouldn't stop talking about your daughter here. But, I can see why he's been so incessant. She's quite beautiful." You could tell he was looking at you when he said that last part. You knew, or at least think, that he was just trying to be polite, and give a good impression on your father but you felt like you wanted to crawl out of your skin. But you managed a smile anyways. You weren't used to compliments. Your father chuckled and Lio's remark and said, "Well, come sit down and we'll enjoy a nice meal while we get these two acquainted!"

After supper, both you and Lio went up to your room. 
"So, what do you do for fun? No offence, but I don't exactly think that when you're blind, you're able to do much.." You just shrugged, he had a point. There wasn't really much you could actually do, besides listen to music and walk around the castle. But when you were younger your mother always read you a book before you went to bed. "I like to listen to music.. but that's about it." You confirmed. You felt the bed dip beside you as Lio sat down on your bed. Your fingers subconsciously twisted the fluff that covered your mattress. "So, what do you think the wedding should look like?" He asked you the question like it was a completely normal thing to be asking someone just out of the blue. But as soon as he said the word 'wedding', you wanted to barf. 
Before you could say anything, you could feel him try to hold your hand. "I'm sorry Lio, but i'm afraid that that wont be happening." You told him rather sternly as you pulled your hand in towards your chest, freeing yourself from his grip. He let out a slight chuckle before he began to speak. "Oh my dear Estelle, you don't have a choice in the matter! Both our parents are very stubborn people, it would take a miracle, if that, to convince at least one of them to re-think this whole situation." And that was the sad truth, you knew that your father would never in the next million years, let you get away from this. And no matter where you went, or what you said, even if it did get you out of all this mess, you'd still have the weight of ruling an entire kingdom on your own, whilst blind. You wouldn't be able to manage it all. Lio could be heard chuckling once again. "Anyways, back to my original question, I was thinking maybe a gold theme, I mean, seeing as i'll become the next richest man in all of heaven, it would kind of fit. What do you think cutie?" Now you were just angry. What makes him think that he can talk like that? Especially to the princess of heaven of all people! He has to be either really stupid, or just really that self absorbed to think he can be a huge asshole just because he thinks he knows that he'll never get in trouble. That of all things needed to change. You didn't know what to say to him after that, what else was there to say? No matter how much you argued you knew that it would never get you anywhere.


 But as you were thinking, you felt a sudden weight on top of you. You tried to free yourself but to no avail. You tried screaming, kicking, even crying but he wouldn't get off of you.
After what seemed to be a long period of time had passed, everything around you went black. You couldn't hear anything anymore. You couldn't move or speak. Yet you were still awake.
You felt something cold being gripped in the palm of your hand, you didn't know what it was but you had a very good idea of what it could be.
After a few more long moments, you were once again aware of your surroundings. This time there was no weight on your body, but instead you were now the weight on top of a lifeless body. You had stabbed Lio in the neck, making him bleed out to death.


i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and again i'm deeply sorry for those whom have had to go through this awful experience...

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