New Girl Chapter Five

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(TW: Mentions of abuse)

The bell rang throughout the school, signaling the start of class. No one knew that you were blind yet, besides the teacher of course.
"Everyone, we have a new student joining us today. Her name is Y/n, please be kind to her and make her feel welcomed." The teacher, Ms. Honey, stated to the class. You could hear everyone move in their seats to look at you, but you kept your head down. "Y/n, would you like to come up to the front and introduce yourself?" She asked. You stood up and stepped away from your desk and chair, as you started to walk up. Suddenly you could hear someone barge in through the door. "I'm sorry I'm late Ms. Honey! I tried getting here on time but.. something came up." A boys voice could be heard in front of you. You stopped walking and you could hear the teacher sigh. "If this happens one more time, I will have to call your parents." She said. You could hear the boy start to walk towards you but stopped soon after. "Oh, yes, this is Y/n. She's new here to the school. How about you make up for all your missed time at the beginning of classes, you help her around the school." She finished.
"She has her own two eyes doesn't she? She can't be that stupid can she?" You heard a rather gravely voice say from behind you as he finished his statement with a laugh. "Jacob! Watch it young man, the next outburst will get you sent to the principals office." The teacher snapped back. His laughter soon died down. "Y-yes ma'am.." He said rather embarrassed.
It's not my fault I can't see... he doesn't know how difficult it is to live like this! All the remarks I get everyday..

(Alastor's POV)

I woke up to my fathers incoherent yelling coming from downstairs. I looked at my clock and noticed that my alarm hadn't woken me up again. I bounced out of bed and hurriedly put some clothes on and rushed out of my room, not even bothering to brush my hair. I ran down the stairs and put my shoes and coat on, and grabbed my books. I noticed that father wasn't bothering mother at the moment so I rushed over to her to make sure she wasn't hurt.
"Ma! Are you alright?! He didn't hurt you did he?"
"No, no. I'm fine chéri. You get to school okay? I love you, have a nice day at school." She responded to me, covering a part of her face as she smiled at me. She always smiled through everything, no matter how hard it was to get through, there was always a smile on her face. She said that no one is ever fully dressed without one..
I nodded and made my way out the door. As I came up to my stop, I could see my bus round the corner and out of sight. "Darn it."

Once I had finally made into school, I got to my locker as quickly took my coat off and ran to the classroom. Once inside I saw the teacher and immediately apologized. "I'm sorry I'm late Ms. Honey! I tried getting here on time but.. something came up." I told her, she sighed and said, "If this happens one more time, I will have to call your parents." I simply nodded and turned to go sit down. However once I looked up, I saw a new girl in front of me. I just stared at her but strangely enough, though she was looking right at me, it was as if she wasn't none the wiser that I was even there. She was quite cute though. "Oh, yes, this is Y/n. She's new here to the school. How about you make up for all your missed time at the beginning of classes, you help her around the school." I looked back at the teacher as I nodded. I was going to say something in response, but someone beat me to it, and in rather a rude manner too. I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard his rough voice, it was Jacob. I don't know why I was even surprised. Failing almost all of his classes, he's every schools typical bully. The teacher scolded him as per usual, though nothing actually ever happens.

~~Time Skip (Y/n's POV)~~

The bell rang once again, and kids got up from their seats and rushed into the hallway to get ready for lunch. You however stayed in your seat and waited for Ms. Honey to help you outside. However, to your surprise, the boy from earlier helped you up. "Hello Y/n! I'm Alastor. Come with me, I'll help you outside." He said.
"Have a nice lunch you two!" Ms. Honey called out from behind you. Once outside, the boy lead the both of you to a bench by the park and sat down with you. "Did you move here?" He asked you. "Yes I did." You replied. Noticing that you were probably staring at him, you looked down at your lap where you hands were neatly placed. "Are you alright Y/n?" He questioned you. You just nodded. "Hey look! It's Alastor, the bruised apple!" A familiar rough voice was heard just a bit down the path from where you two were sitting. "Hey, I told you not to call me that Jacob!" You then heard Alastor yell back at him. "Oh, I must have forgotten! You know, that's an easy thing to do with someone like you. You're just a shadow!" His laughter could be heard along with three other boys. "Oh~ And look! He's got the new freak with him too! Are you starting a circus without us? That's not very nice." He continued.
"Without you?" You said, cutting him off. "If we're both freaks starting a freak show, why would you want to join us? Are you an ugly freak too?" You boldly asked him, whilst keeping your head down. "what did you just say?" He asked.
"Well, you must be a freak too if you're so upset about not being able to join. Must be too ugly for just a regular circus huh?" You restated to him.
"You little brat!" He yelled at you. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through the right side of your face. You didn't flinch though, not even a single tear fell from your eyes.

The end of school had come faster than you had thought it would. Your mothers car honked at you once you made it outside, Alastor right behind you. "Hey wait, I'm so sorry he did that to you, I'm sorry for not protecting you.. please forgive me?" He said.
"I forgive you, it's my fault anyways. Goodbye Alastor. I'll see you tomorrow.." You replied, as you made your way to your mothers car and hopped inside, and she drove away.


Surprise chapter :3 . I hope you liked it. and i was able to make this chapter a bit longer than the other ones so yippie :D
also sorry that this took me so long to upload. reason; school and ADHD lol.
Also if you recognize the teachers name; Ms. Honey, it's because i used the name from the teacher, Ms. Honey from the movie Matilda. teehee.

Anyways, stay tuned~ for the next chapter

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