A Life For A Life Chapter Three

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"Estelle Mihella Demiurge," The high council began. "You stand court today, on a suspicion of murder." He finished his statement to you, and everyone else who stood inside Heavens court room. You know what you had done that night, but the only thing was that you didn't feel any type of remorse like you thought you would. Instead, you just felt hollow and emotionless. You had already given your reasoning as to why you had done what you did, but frankly, you didn't really think it mattered anymore. As God's daughter, you were expected to not even be able to think of doing such a sinful act. But no one wanted to believe you when you had said that it was out of self defense. "Let your case be heard and judged today, by the high council of Heaven," The judge began to speak once again. "And hope that your father, God, will have mercy on you child." He finished. Once he had sat down and hit his gavel on it's disk, everyone in the court room was heard sitting down so that the trial could commence. Once you were settled, the trial began.

"Prosecutor justice, please state all collected evidence to the jury." The judge had ordered, and not too long after, someone to your left could be heard getting up from their seat, and tapping a folder full of paper on their desk as they cleared their throat before speaking. "Sir, as i'm sure your already aware of, the offender has been charged on the suspicion of murder. And I am here to show you all, the concrete evidence we have to prove that the offender is in fact, guilty." As he finished his statement to the court, you could hear him then walk over to the judges desk, and handed him what you assumed was the folder of said evidence. He then walked over to the other side of the room, and clicked on what you could only make out as a TV.
You jumped a little bit as the prosecutor justice hit the TV screen with a stick. "This here, is the exact same weapon of choice, that the offender had decided to use, in her brutal attack. The DNA found on the knife, was an exact match, to that of Estelle Mihella Demiurge. And the blood on said knife, was also an exact match to that of the victim, Lio Reagle Samston's."
This is going to take eons if I don't say anything. I'll just tell them that I did, do the crime then everyone's happy, I get my charge, everyone goes home.
Just as the Prosecutor justice was about to speak again, you stood up and everyone remained silent as they waited for you to speak.
"I know that I am guilty for his murder, however I hold no remorse." The air around you grew tense as you spoke. A few whispers stirred around inside the court room. "I'll only say this once more, I killed him because he tried to hurt me! Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean that I'm helpless. Do any of you here even believe me?!" You started to become emotional as you spoke. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you still tried your best to keep them in. You were going to speak again, but your father beat you to it. "Enough!" His booming voice almost shook the entire building as he yelled. "Your lack of manners, and your lies will not work here child. I've come to my conclusion. As punishment for your vile behavior, like Lucifer, I condemn you to live a life of a mortal. However you will not be able to redeem yourself in your new life, there for you will head straight to pride ring when you die." He finished his statement as he grabbed the gavel from the judges desk and hit it down to set your fate in stone. "W-wait father! Please you can't-"
"Yes, I can. And don't ever, address me as father. You are no child of mine." He cut you off in a stern voice. You could feel your heart breaking, as you melted down into tears...


hello dear readers! im sorry for the wait. i didnt have much time to write but i do now so yay :3
Anyways i'll start writing the fun shit now,
stay tuned~

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